

考虑到这一背景,我 们最近进行的主题为””骄傲与偏见”的调查(本调查和研究报告为年度项目,本年为第五年)探讨了LGBT群体的权利,主要集中于亚洲。尽管现在西方仍存在歧视,但相较于几年前,更接近于完全平等。另一方面,亚洲仍要经历漫长过程,才能成为这场持续的LGBT群体权利的全球斗争的下一个战场,真正有所进展。随着亚洲城市年轻人的态度迅速改变,亚洲大陆有望接过接力棒。

Pride and Prejudice: The next chapter of progress

For many, the United States Supreme Court decision in 2015 to legalise same-sex marriage nationwide was a recent high-water mark for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights, an inspiring moment that served as the culmination of decades of struggle. Although the past few years of turbulent political shifts, trade wars and a major pandemic have seen the global spotlight shift away from LGBT rights, they have not been without significant victories, especially in Asia.

Pride and Prejudice: Assessing progress in Asia-Pacific presentation

Acceptance of LGBT people has increased rapidly in recent years, including in the workplace as more companies take steps to provide a welcoming environment for LGBT staff. This progress is incomplete, however, particularly in Asia, where the climate for LGBT people remains frostier than in much of the Western world. The Economist Intelligence Unit presented the fourth year of Pride and Prejudice executive survey about evolving attitudes towards LGBT people in the workplace and broader society, with a particular focus on Asia.

Pride and prejudice:Assessing progress in Asia-Pacific

The Landscape surrounding LGBT rights in Asia-Pacific is changing fast. This report, the fourth in an annual series of Economist Intelligence Unit studies addressing the business and economic case for global LGBT diversity and inclusion (D&I), focuses on the situation in Asia-Pacific and what progress has been made compared to the first Pride and Prejudice survey fielded in 2015.

Pride on the continent

New research reinforces Asia’s progress on LGBT rights

Pride and prejudice: The future of advocacy - highlight video

Watch Michael Gold, wirter of sharing insights about companies' role in LGBT advocacy at The Economist's annual Pride and Prejudice event. 

Pride and prejudice: The future of advocacy

This report, the third in an annual series of Economist Intelligence Unit studies addressing the business and economic case for global LGBT diversity and inclusion (D&I), assesses the future prospects for corporate advocacy in the LGBT space, given the perils that face proponents of the liberal, open-minded worldview that underpins LGBT equality.

Here today, gone tomorrow

Why companies must do their part to ensure that LGBT rights do not go in reverse


2016年,經濟學人集團發起了“驕傲與偏 見:商業和經濟中男同性戀、女同性戀、雙性戀和跨性別者(LGBT)的多元化和包容性問題”計劃的第一階段。作為計劃的一部分,經濟學人智庫(The Economist Intelligence Unit/The EIU)開展了一項研究, 基於廣泛的全球調查和深入的案頭研究探討 LGBT人群在工作場所的地位。現在,在計劃 開展的第二年,這項研究涵蓋了最能為工作 場所的LGBT人群推動積極變革的群體:公司領導、年輕人和女性。 



為了揭示當前職場中對LGBT人群的看法和態度,經濟學人智庫(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)於2015年10月到11月 期間針對全球1,021名意見領袖在網上進行了「驕傲與偏見」基準調查。從他們的觀點中,我們深刻了解到了在為LGBT群體權利謀 求更多平等權利時需解決的問題。 

大體上,那些調查對像看上去並沒有表現出 對LGBT人群的歧視態度。在很多時候,基於性取向和性別認同(SOGI)多樣性的進步根本還沒有成為熱門話題。這要是由於LGBT一直被視為「隱性」的少數群體。過去有研究表明,很多LGBT人士在某種程度上都會在工作中隱瞞自己的性取向,在美國這一比例高達53%。根深蒂固的規範阻止員工談論這個話題,迫使他們不得不隱瞞身份;而這方面的空白反過來又塑造了規範,迫使更多的人隱藏自己的秘密。在北美和西歐以外的寬容度不太明顯的社會中,未出櫃員工的比例很可能要比這高得多。 

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