Post-Conflict Trade: Case studies and lessons for Ethiopia and Eritrea


The peace treaty between Ethiopia and Eritrea, signed in July 2018, brought to an end a war that had been ongoing but intermittent for more than 20 years and that cost more than 100,000 lives, displaced more than a million people, and diverted resources and attention away from the task of lifting large swathes of people in both countries out of poverty. It is the most recent of the world’s conflicts to arrive at peace, but as history has shown, a treaty alone is no guarantee that peace will hold.

Sustainability: The missing link

Traditionally, most businesses have sought to become more sustainable by making changes within the bounds of their direct operational control—they might switch to renewable energy sources or hybrid vehicles, or reduce paper or electricity use. Today, however, companies increasingly find that the biggest improvements can be made within their extended supply chains. This could entail setting sustainability standards, adopting new technologies to increase accountability or helping suppliers to become more sustainable.

Steering through collaboration: CFOs driving new priorities for the future

It is well established that the modern CFO has a more strategic role to play in a business, but a clear action plan to achieve this is lacking. A key element of this is helping the business to deal with change. Some changes are planned: launching a new product or service, setting up operations in a new region or acquiring a competitor. Others may be unexpected: a major disruption to supply-chain operations, the emergence of new regulation and legal reporting requirements or the unpredictable impacts of global economic uncertainty.

Priorities of progress: understanding citizens' voices

Commissioned by Nitto Denko, The Economist Intelligence Unit produced a global study Priorities of progress: understanding citizens’ voices, that sheds light on citizens’ priorities among issues that range from healthcare, education, social protection, public safety, R&D, to the environment and transport infrastructure. The report builds insights from a 50-country citizen survey and interviews with a panel of experts and measures survey responses against publicly available spending data of governments.

Chỉ số Thương mại Bền vững Hinrich Foundation

Chỉ số Thương mại Bền vững - Hinrich Foundation 2018 là một chỉ số được xây dựng bởi Economist Intelligence Unit và là một nghiên cứu quy chuẩn được ủy thác bởi Hinrich Foundation. Đây là ấn bản thứ hai của nghiên cứu, được xuất bản lần đầu năm 2016. Đây là ấn bản thứ hai của nghiên cứu, chỉ số đầu tiên được xuất bản vào năm 2016. Báo cáo trình bày các kết quả chính của chỉ số và mô hình kèm theo.


2018 年韩礼士基金会可持续贸易指数是一项由韩礼士基金会委托经济学人智库创作的指数与基准研究。本报告是该研究第二版,第一版于 2016 年首次发布。本报告介绍了该指数的关键发现和相应模型。

该指数旨在测评 20 个经济体——包括 19 个亚洲经济体以及美国——在参与到国际贸易体系的过程中,支持国内外经济长期增长、环境保护和强化社会资本的能力。该指数包含 24 项指标,按上述三大方面分组,总体测评一个国家进行的是否为可持续贸易。

该指数旨在说明,尽管贸易是经济发展不可或缺的部分,但若没有负责任的环境管理,不努力全面开发社会资本,就不能实现可持续的贸易。在环境和社会方面落后的国家不能实现贸易的长效繁荣,无法吸引到关键的外国直接投资 (FDI),也难以得到多边发展组织的拨款和支持。因此,该指数可以作为各国在实现联合国可持续发展目标方面所取得进展的一项参考标准。


Research capacity in lower-income countries: assessing the status quo

The need to develop and expand research capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has been recognised for more than 25 years. In 2013 the World Health Organisation stated that it was vital in order to achieve health goals. Yet, despite some progress, there are still strides to take to ensure that research capacity isn’t merely an afterthought or a side effect of other interventions—and many of these strides are attitudinal.

The Sustainable Tourism Index: Enhancing the global travel environment

Tourism, as with most industries, exerts both positive and negative influences on the world. On the plus side, the sector’s economic contribution is enormous. On the opposite side, it places enormous pressure on the environment. It is estimated that tourism’s share of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions has been about 5% and is expected to grow in the coming years.

Global governance and the role Africa has yet to play

Great expectations have often been laid at the doorstep of one of the world’s fastest growing regions.

To infinity and beyond—three things international donors should consider as health economic evaluation goes global

Imagine you have a budget of £150m (US$193m) to spend in a country where the prevalence of malaria and teenage pregnancy is high, as are the corresponding infant, child and maternal mortality rates. You have three options to spend your money: a programme to distribute bed nets, protecting children against malaria; a programme that expands access to family planning, offering protection to young women; or a salary reform initiative, enabling the Ministry of Health to hire enough staff. You haven’t got enough money to do it all and you need "quick and attributable wins" that avoid negative media on the wastage of money. What would you choose?

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