Improving education: what really matters

Many experts see education as a black box: inputs such as government spending or teacher training go in, with the hope that positive outputs such as improved student test results or higher graduation rates come out at the other end.

Caring and sharing

A recent study by Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University's medical school, found that Electronic Health Records (EHRs) enhance the quality of patient care and physician performance.

Outside looking in

Report Summary

Data vs instinct

"Data vs instinct: perfecting global sales performance" is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Oracle.

Big data and the democratisation of decisions

Report Summary

  • Skilled data specialists are in short supply and the demand to use data to make smarter decisions and compete more effectively is rising. Nearly half (48%) of respondents say someone other than the chief information officer (CIO) drives big data processes in their company, a trend that should accelerate as companies work to capture more value from information assets. Over three-quarters (77%) of respondents say businesses must empower more employees to access and make decisions using big data.

Secure data access in a mobile universe

Secure data access in a mobile universe explores how companies can accommodate rising demands for mobile access to business information while minimising the security risks to proprietary data is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Cisco.


Content disruptors

Back in 1996, when the internet was yet to become the global phenomenon it is today, Microsoft co-founder and chairman Bill Gates argued that content would be king in the rapidly-evolving digital world.

Unlocking human potential

Many firms around the world cannot fulfil their potential because they are failing to harness the skills and experience of their workforce, according to new research from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

To download a free copy of the full report written by CGMA, click

Key findings from the survey include the following:

Big data

This report explores how far along companies are on their data journey and how they can best exploit the massive amounts of data they are collecting.

The business landscape is being shaped by data as never before. The sheer magnitude of data being produced is staggering. According to Eric Schmidt, Google’s chief executive officer, the world creates 5 exabytes of data every two days. That is roughly the same amount as was created between the dawn of civilisation and 2003.

Like a needle in a haystack

When the news of JP Morgan’s multi-billion trading lost first leaked to the press, there was no shortage of unanswered questions. One of the most prominent centred on how regulators failed to catch these losses before they happened. However, from the regulatory perspective, catching trading blunders may not be as easy as it seems.

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