What the prairie butterfly can tell us about emerging environmental risk

World Environment Day presents an opportunity to ask what specifically our environment can tell us about emerging risk. Where do we look for these signals? The answer is oftentimes in our own backyard.

The emergence of "ocean risk" and how to tackle it

June 8 marks World Oceans Day. Learn more about the risks and solutions in this piece by Martin Koehring, Managing Editor and Global Healthcare Lead at The Economist Intelligence Unit’s thought leadership division.

Managing risk in challenging economic times

Key findings include:

Risk Radar 2011

Research Methodology

  • We conducted an online survey of 275 executives from around the world between October and November 2010. The survey included companies from a range of industries.
  • To supplement the survey results, the Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a programme of qualitative research that included a series of in-depth interviews with industry experts.

Ascending the maturity curve

Research Methodology

Ascending the maturity curve: Effective management of enterprise risk and compliance is an Economist Intelligence Unit briefing paper sponsored by SAP. The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for this research. Our findings drew on desk research, a global survey and in-depth interviews with executives familiar with risk and compliance within their organisations. The findings and views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsor.

Too good to fail?

Research Methodology

Our research for this report drew on two main initiatives:

We conducted an online survey of 315 executives from around the world in March 2011. Approximately one-half of the respondents in the survey are
C-level executives and nearly as many represent financial institutions with US $25 billion or more in assets under management. All respondents have a primary responsibility for risk management.

Financing the Fragile Economic Recovery

The search for growth - infographic

Closing the communication gap: How institutional investors are building risk-aware cultures

It will hardly come as a surprise that a survey we publish today shows that institutional investors—that is, asset owners like insurers and pension funds, asset managers, and intermediaries like fund platforms and consultants—have become more risk-aware since the global financial crisis.

Closing the communication gap: How institutional investors are building risk-aware cultures

It will hardly come as a surprise that a survey we publish today shows that institutional investors—that is, asset owners like insurers and pension funds, asset managers, and intermediaries like fund platforms and consultants—have become more risk-aware since the global financial crisis.

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