Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Canada's nurse navigators

Canada shares with Australia several characteristics, including population size, wealth and the healthcare challenges posed by geographical vastness. Northern Health, one of six regional health authorities in British Columbia, covers an area nearly the size of France with a population of only about 350,000 people. The challenge it faced was to simplify the steps in the breast cancer field to eradicate unnecessary delays. With limited resources, it is using an innovative mix of stakeholder engagement, technology and multidisciplinary care.

Value and oncology: a different definition?

Oncology is the therapeutic area in which the value challenge is most acute. According to 41% of survey respondents and 50% of those from drug companies, it is the most difficult area in which to demonstrate value.

In search of value: Shire Pharmaceuticals changes its business model

A decade ago Shire Pharmaceuticals' business model centred on the improvement and reformulation of existing drugs. The value of these products resulted from marginal improvements to existing forms of the drug or improved compliance through greater ease of use.

Making aid work

As the international community gathers to discuss the post-2015 development agenda and how best to finance the Sustainable Development Goals, it is important we learn from our mistakes and redress the recipient-donor relationship, says Roger Riddell, an associate at international development consultancy, Oxford Policy Management.

Investing in Quality: Healthcare in the UAE

What are the main quality gaps to be overcome in this period? How are changes such as mandatory insurance laws, management outsourcing of public facilities, regulatory devolution and increased rates of accreditation and data collection influencing quality of care?

This study, based on extensive desk research and interviews with leading experts from government and business, identifies the key healthcare quality challenges and the implications of changes in the health system for service quality.

Drug approvals that get the balance right

The regulation of pharmaceuticals in the US appears to have rotated from tardiness to speed. Yet both have the potential to harm or even kill patients who may already be seriously unwell.

An introduction to value-based healthcare in Europe

European governments, like those in other parts of the world, are feeling the strain on their health budgets caused by an ageing population, a rise in the prevalence of chronic conditions and the acceleration of medical innovations that have increased demand for state-of-the-art treatment. As a result, governments are looking to make their money stretch further.

Private sector must play a proactive role to defeat cancer

Cancers are among the leading causes of death worldwide. The 2014 World Cancer Report of the World Health Organization (WHO) projects that in the next 20 years cancer cases will surge 75% up from 2008 figures to 25 million per year worldwide*. This will come at an economic cost of US$1trn, with similarly debilitating social costs—straining rich countries and damaging poor ones.

Going mobile: Can our phones actually improve our health?

The complexity of mobile health presents a challenge to policymakers and innovators alike. But if judiciously introduced, these technologies could bring significant rewards.

Gulf Health: A Modern History

Half a century of growth and modernisation have increased average life expectancy in the Gulf by over 30 years. But it has also shifted lifestyle patterns, bringing new health challenges due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyles, with a sharp rise in diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Our new infographic, sponsored by Philips, explores how the state of health in the Gulf has shifted over the last 60 years and what the new challenges are for the region. 

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