Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Back to basics: why human security needs to be the hot topic at COP21

A universal climate agreement will only be meaningful if it fully accounts for the humans it’s meant to be protecting, argues Marcela Tarazona, an environmental economist and climate change specialist at Oxford Policy Management, an international development consultancy.

Addressing the challenge of energy access for refugees

A new report assesses the state of energy access in refugee camps. Now we must be ambitious in our response and move beyond piecemeal, partial solutions, argues Mary Willcox, Principal Consultant – Energy at Practical Action, an international development charity.

Health reform: The debate goes public

Happy homes

The influence of the built environment on our health and wellbeing has been proven. Should we rebuild our cities?

Europe lacks integrated approach to tackle obesity crisis, new EIU report finds

The future of global healthcare delivery and management

Broadening healthcare access in Brazil through innovation

This is a research report written by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Roche.  Brazil's economy is booming on the back of deepening credit markets, a growing middle class and rising investment in physical infrastructure, but serious shortcomings in its healthcare sector represent one of the key constraints on attaining developed-country standards of prosperity.  Making the healtcare sector more effective--and innovative--will require sweeping changes to the business practices of healthcare providers and life science companies.

The global power of Brazilian agribusiness

  • Key survey findings
  • Full report analysis
  • Comments from senior industry experts

Click the button below to download the full report.

Japan's ageing population: From silver to gold

Many countries around the world are grappling with the implications of ageing populations. The issues vary slightly between countries, but some are common to all―not least of which is the challenge of financing healthcare systems to meet the increasing pressures placed on them by an ageing population. This is no simple matter. With advances in healthcare and the standard of living, people are living longer and healthier lives. And they are demanding a better quality of life. Catering for this demand represents an enormous market opportunity.

Confronting obesity in Europe: Taking action to change the default setting

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