Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Cancer in LATAM: Country Reports


Value-based healthcare in Korea: A pioneer in Asia - Korean

한국은 보건의료비용 지출에 관한 결정을 내릴 때 가치 기반 분석을 근거로 삼는 국가로, 아시아 지역을 이끄는 선도국가 중 하나이다. 한국은 인근에서 종합적 건강보험 체계를 가진 유일한 나라로, 직접 비용 지출의 의사 결정에 건강보험 데이터를 활용하고 있다.

한국의 정책 결정권자들은 인근 지역과 대비되는 눈에 띄는 행보를 보이며 2007년 이래 보건 투자와 관련된 결정을 내릴 때 비용 효과성(cost-effectiveness, CE)이라는 수단을 이용해 왔다. 하지만, 한국에서 보건의료기술평가(Health Technology Assessment, HTA) 시스템에 가치 기반 분석을 완전히 내재하도록 보장하려면 아직 갈 길이 멀다. 이는 주로정치권과 정책 결정권자들이 지금보다 명확한 약속을 해주어야 실현할 수 있을 것으로 전망된다.

한국에서는 인구 노령화가 진행 중이고 새로운 치료법에 드는 비용은 꾸준히 증가하고 있으므로, 한국 정책 결정권자들은 앞으로 희박한 자원을 어디에 투자해야 할지 이전보다 더욱 까다로운 선택에 직면하게 될 것이다. 증가되는 가치를 위한 안정적이고 투명한 프레임워크를 개발하는 작업이 시급한 상황이다.

The future of healthcare

Imagine being diagnosed by an AI doctor, having your organs 3D printed, or having nanometer-sized robots roaming around your body to monitor your health. Are you excited or scared? All of these technologies might seem like science fiction for now, but they could become reality in the next 25, or even 5 years.

Value-based healthcare in Korea: A pioneer in Asia

Korea’s healthcare infrastructure is well developed compared to that of neighbouring countries. In addition, cost-effectiveness is well established as one aspect of the process used to analyse healthcare value for money. However, a consistent understanding of what value entails is still not established.

Moreover, given its relatively low level of health spending compared with that of other developed countries, Korea has scope to increase health spending. At the same time, with Korea’s population ageing at a similar rate to those of its peers, stark choices lie ahead. 

Value-based healthcare in Korea: A pioneer in Asia

Korea is one of Asia’s leaders in using value-based analysis to underpin decisions about healthcare expenditure. The country has one of the region’s only comprehensive health insurance systems, which also provides a rich trove of data that analysts can use to help direct spending decisions.

The road to a better normal: Breast Cancer patients and survivors in the EU workforce

The road to a better normal: Breast Cancer patients and survivors in the EU workforce

Healthcare systems in Europe have slowly transformed breast cancer from a fatal condition into a (frequently chronic) disease. This transformation, while greatly welcome, has brought in its wake a growing societal challenge. An increasing number of female breast cancer patients and survivors of working age are capable of returning to employment and wish to do so.1 Not all of them succeed, however, and not simply for medical reasons. Breast cancer creates psychological and economic stress for the women directly involved, but it also impacts society as a whole.

The road to a better normal: Breast Cancer patients and survivors in the EU workforce

The road to a better normal: Breast cancer patients and survivors in the EU workforce is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Pfizer. It investigates the challenges involved in the return to employment for a growing number of breast cancer patients and survivors of working age. In particular, it examines the growing number of women in this situation who wish to work, the barriers to doing so, and how key stakeholders could help.

Preventing Stroke: Uneven Progress

The burden of stroke on countries, communities and individuals is well-documented, with stroke survivors being troubled by a greater range of disabilities than those with any other condition. Fortunately, the risk factors for stroke are relatively well-understood by medical professionals, and opportunities have been identified to implement effective prevention and management strategies. However, these best practices are not consistently implemented around the world.

Global Stroke Prevention Policies

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