Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Healthy profession, healthy patients: The state of clinical nutrition in Pakistan

Food insecurity, a condition in which households lack access to adequate food because of limited money or other resources, afflicts almost 37% of households in Pakistan. As a result of this insecurity, malnutrition— when a person’s diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients—is commonplace. About half of adult women in Pakistan suffer from anaemia, over a third of children are stunted, and about 30% of under 5-year-olds are underweight.

Medidas globales de financiación para eliminar el cáncer de cuello uterino: financiación de servicios de prevención secundaria en países con bajos recursos

El cáncer de cuello uterino es el cuarto cáncer que se detecta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres en todo el mundo, aunque es uno de los tipos de cáncer que mejor se pueden tratar y más se pueden prevenir si se detectan a tiempo. La morbilidad y la mortalidad del cáncer de cuello uterino afectan de forma dispar a las mujeres de países con unos ingresos bajos o entre bajos y medios, y aquellas de los países más pobres. En 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud

New funding for the Global Fund supports equitable access to COVID-19 tools

US approves $3.5 billion in emergency funding for the Global Fund’s effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries

Briefing Paper | Integrated care pathways for bone health

As individuals age two factors become increasingly important: memory and mobility. With life expectancy around the world rising, the burden of poor bone health rises in unison. Many diseases compete for prioritisation in the race to support healthy ageing, but addressing bone health is the most important way to preserve mobility for ageing populations. Poor bone health encompasses a broad spectrum of diseases, but it is most often quantified as the cumulative burden of osteoporosis and osteoporosis-related fractures.

Integrated care pathways for bone health: an overview of global policies

Integrated Care Pathways for Bone Health: An Overview of Global Policies is a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit examining the global policy environment for bone health.

The case for investing in harm reduction in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

How the European Commission's COVID-19 funding is being spent

Two recent EC reports describe how the funding pledge of €1.4 billion from Horizon 2020, the EU’s Research and Innovation Programme (2014-2020), has been spent

Drug control policies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: The economic, health and social impact

The former communist countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) are transition economies, attempting to manage rising healthcare costs whilst reforming their health systems. EECA is one of the few regions in the world where the incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is going up. Because of competing needs, public health interventions for HIV have been low on policymakers priority lists, with the allocation of domestic funds to scaling-up HIV prevention programmes falling short of demand.

Doing more with less: Defining value in Latin American health systems

For most of 2020 the covid-19 pandemic has shone a stark spotlight on many health system vulnerabilities globally, and particularly in Latin America. These vulnerabilities, punctuated by huge national death tolls, have catalysed change to some extent by placing pressure on political leaders who have otherwise been slow to invest effectively in the health sector.

Infographic | Looking at hygiene along the life-course

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