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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Leadership challenges for a complex world

As part of The CFO Summit 2011, Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer at Royal Dutch Shell, discussed which threats are likely to affect businesses in the next decade, and how such changes can be anticipated, assessed and managed.

The new capital agenda

As part of The CFO Summit 2011, this video shows a panel of CFOs providing insights into how to strategically source, optimise, invest and manage capital in today’s ever-changing financial markets.

What makes a great finance chief?

In this video, part of The CFO Summit 2011, the panelists wonder if the challenges of the recession prepared CFOs for broader leadership roles.

Driving growth

This video shows a panel of the The CFO Summit 2011 dealing with how can companies ensure they have the right financing structures in place to ensure long term domestic and international growth.

Building and leading high-performing teams

In this video, Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice at London Business School, leads a session of The CFO Summit 2011 examining how CFOs build and lead high-performing teams.

Joe Kaeser: Driving growth

As part of The CFO Summit 2011, Joe Kaeser, Chief Financial Officer of Siemens, discusses the company's approach to driving growth in recent years.

Is globalisation under threat?

As part of The High-Growth Markets Summit 2011, in this panel three experts assess issues such as protectionism, currency valuations, geopolitical risk and other big-picture challenges when operating in high-growth markets.

Preparing for a multidimensional world

As part of The High-Growth Markets Summit 2011, this panel addresses how companies from developed and high-growth market countries must prepare for a multidimensional world, remodelling their global business strategies to keep up with new competitors.

The regulator's view header

In this session, part of The European Retail Banking Summit, a regulator and the UK’s consumer ombudsman review regulatory changes to understand what might be in store and the future regulatory landscape that banks will have to operate in.

Picking the winners

In this session of The Infrastructure Summit , a case study set the backdrop for a wider discussion on how to successfully create, manage and complete transportation infrastructure projects that deliver value for money to passengers and taxpayer.

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