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Saudi Aramco IPO – an upside for the climate?




Harnessing the power of offshore wind

Africa: Resource rich, energy poor

The African continent is gifted with abundant hydrocarbon resources but it faces a major challenge to lift the bulk of its population out of energy poverty, explains Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

Energy Futures: A macro-economic view of Africa's energy landscape

How will Africa’s supply and demand of energy evolve over the next two decades?

Africa’s energy outlook

I recently interviewed Dr Fatih Birol, chief economist at the International Energy Agency (IEA), about the implications of Africa’s projected supply and demand of energy.

Electricity supply

What are the right levers to keep the lights on for households? asks Dermot Nolan, chief executive of Ofgem

Will Shale gas find its place in today’s energy mix?

An assessment of the potential for shale gas and its role across different markets.

The affordability debate

Energy bills remain high up the political agenda, explains Tim Yeo MP, Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee.

Clean up act

All clean energy sources are needed to limit global warming, argues Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

UK shale gas

Even with domestic shale gas exploitation, it is in the UK’s national interest to keep its energy policy focused on moving rapidly to an efficient and low-carbon energy system, says Nick Molho, head of Climate and Energy Policy at WWF-UK.

Making heat affordable

Fuel-poor households deserve a better and healthier future, argues Derek Lickorish, chairman of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group for England (FPAG).

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