Business model innovation and strategies for sustainable growth

Bold innovation is crucial to decouple business models from resource risks, argues Aleyn Smith-Gillespie, Associate Director at The Carbon Trust.

The business of chip-making

It used to be that semiconductor companies made semiconductors. Now, most of them just design the chips and let other companies worry about the high-overhead business of making them on their behalf.

Intelligent robots

Breathless hype for 3D printing has gone mainstream. The world’s media continue to churn out speculative puff promising radical changes the technology will bring to the way goods are manufactured and distributed – how whole industries will be upended in a new industrial revolution.

Whither Asia’s Amazon?

Asia has close to 50% of the world’s Internet users, some of the fastest broadband speeds globally, and the most rapid growth in mobile broadband of any region worldwide. Yet where are the Asian Internet giants that should be competing in the global arena with the likes of Amazon, eBay, Twitter and Facebook?

Reciprocity in digital rights

The ease of sharing information on the internet challenges 20th century law such as the 2011 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement signed by more than 32 countries including the US.

Updating my “Top 10” technologies for 2013

As the editor of Technology Quarterly it’s my job to keep up with promising new technologies, and to help me do that I maintain a list of emerging technologies that are worth watching.

Is your IT department listening?

When it comes to technology drivers of competitiveness, all things mobile are the centre of gravity in businesses today. Rank and file employees, rather than senior management, are the reason for this.

How bright is Britain's superfast broadband future?

Yesterday's launch of the UK's first 4G mobile service (by Everything Everywhere, the venture formed by T-Mobile and Orange) marks a milestone on Britain's road to its broadband future.

Eric Rosenbaum with the human synthesiser

In this Big Ideas Project for the Innovation community, Eric Rosenbaum, Doctoral Student at the MIT Media Lab shows off his human synthesiser that operates with playdough.

Humans and Machines

In March this year we ran the first Technology Frontiers event, about how technology is changing individuals, society and business for good and for bad.

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