The CIO as innovation leader

CIOs discuss the challenges of, and opportunities for, driving business change in a weak recovery

Introduction to information risk

With McKinseys James Kaplan

The transformational potential of technology

This panel, part of The Infrastructure Summit, presented a critical examination of the most innovative, non-mainstream, possibly “leap-frog” technologies that will transform our infrastructure landscape.

P&G: Fashioning a "decision cockpit"

At Proctor & Gamble, executives decided that providing a data-rich environment to its managers meant creating a "decision cockpit" that focuses on a specific business function or market segment. The idea, says P&G's director of business intelligence, Patrick Kern, is "to get at operational business strategies, like how to run a plant from day to day".

In Latin America, good data use means big advantages

According to survey respondents in Latin America, companies in that region seem to derive more value from data than their peers in North America. Seventy three percent of respondents in Latin America say they derive great competitive advantage from their use of data. In North America, the number of executives who say their data efforts are "extremely valuable" is significantly lower, at 63%.

Suncorp uses data to manage insurance risks

All insurance firms use statistics to assess various types of risk, from the possibility of floods to car crashes or fires. Suncorp, Australia's biggest insurer, goes a lot further in using data to gain an advantage over rivals. David Stewardson, Suncorp's executive manager in the commercial insurance business technology department, says the company analyses data to anticipate which customers might be on the verge of switching to a competitor. The point is not to keep every customer in the fold; rather, it is to hold on to the most profitable customers and let the unprofitable ones go.

BT uses data to get it right the first time

BT is a former monopoly that still has a large share of the telecommunications market in Britain, but in order to compete with smaller rivals that can offer fixed line and broadband service for less, it emphasizes customer care and the quality of its telecommunications services.

Holiday Inn’s image improves as teams overhaul brand

Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG), the world's largest hotelier as ranked by number of rooms, has implemented knowledge-sharing by bringing team members together in a dedicated room for the duration of the project – whether three months or one year. Tom Conophy, executive vice-president and CIO, is using these teams to achieve a company goal: making IHG's technology a key brand differentiator.

Collaborative virtual teams evolve at CERN

Some of the world's largest collaborative virtual teams work at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, straddling the French-Swiss border. The research groups, involving thousands of scientists and students from dozens of countries, use a massive particle accelerator to look for the components of dark matter.

How to deploy collaborative virtual teams

"If a global perspective isn't everywhere in the company, you're holding yourself back," says Chris Satchell, chief technology officer of U.S.-based $2.1 billion International Game Technology (IGT). For IGT, which has facilities on every continent but Antarctica, that perspective involves more than knowing overseas sales projections.

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