The Business Costs of Supply Chain Disruption

Although the havoc wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic caught most businesses by surprise in the early months of 2020, modern multinationals are by now no strangers to supply-chain shock and disruption. The concurrence of a number of disruptive forces, including trade disputes, cyberattacks, commodity price fluctuations and the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, are testing the complexity and interdependence of global supply chains that multinationals have built up over recent years. Executives anticipate that disruption is only set to increase in the coming decade.

Moving from faster prediction to faster response in FMCG supply chains

Fast-moving consumer goods—at least some of them—have become emblematic for 2020.

If there was ever any doubt about the importance of resilient supply chains in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, one need only recall the expanse of empty shelves that had once held toilet paper or pasta at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. In March, in the UK alone, there was “more than £1bn worth of food stocked in people’s houses than there was three weeks ago,” according to Helen Dickinson, chief executive officer of the British Retail Consortium.

Retail supply chains: Learning lessons from disruption

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic the images of empty supermarket shelves highlighted the limitations of just-in-time supply chains, but how did retailers really fare in the face of the crisis? Even before the arrival of the virus supply chains had been in transition, impacted by a range of factors such as changing consumer preferences, evolving trade conditions or increased pressure around sustainability ‒ requirements which have forced retailers to rethink their procurement strategy. However, general preparedness seems to be lacking.

Re-threading supply chains in the lifestyle industry

Supply chains in the lifestyle sector (which includes clothing, footwear, textiles, luxury and toys) were already under pressure prior to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic. Environmental sustainability, labour standards and technology adoption were among the internal challenges facing companies, but external headwinds were also complicating factors. Globalisation has been under threat, facing challenges in the form of the US-China trade war, Brexit, rising economic nationalism, and the crisis of the multilateral trade regime and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) itself.

A new era: global trade in 2020 and beyond

The covid-19 pandemic will not only directly disrupt international trade but also catalyse other trends that are reshaping the global exchange of goods and services. 

Putting customers at the centre of the OEM supply chain

Around the world, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have earmarked their supply-chain operations for digital transformation. The reasons for this technological undertaking are clear: manufacturers are on a mission to improve customer service and build stronger, closer links with the end-users of their products. Learn more from downloading our new report Putting customers at the centre of the OEM supply chain , sponsored by Microsoft. 

The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index 2018

To measure how nations are addressing the issue of illicit trade, the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has commissioned The Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index, which evaluates 84 economies around the world on their structural capability to protect against illicit trade. The global index expands upon an Asia-specific version originally created by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2016 to score 17 economies in Asia.

Strategic partnerships for the digital age - Interview with Carly Cummings

How do companies develop strategic partnerships for the digital age? We talk to Carly Cummings, CIO of Linfox International Group.

Growth Crossings: Supply-chain transparency & transformation

Corporate responsibility over supply chains is becoming more prominent on the radars of business leaders. More firms are integrating it into their core operations, as senior executives and boards come to see the value to their business of a more responsible approach.

Chain gang

What a cycling revolution in China says about global supply chain responsibility

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