And corporate directors report to…?

It's a common and incorrectly held belief that corporate board directors have a legal obligation to act solely in the best interest of shareholders. This is sometimes referred to as one of the "fiduciary duties" of the board. What oftentimes follows from this notion is that very critical scrutiny should be given to any actions taken by a corporation which do not deliver a clear, quarterly benefit to shareholder value.

Stakeholder reporting: Michael Meehan on reshaping corporate culture

Corporations are not islands – they exist in a vast ecosystem of stakeholders, including shareholders, suppliers, employees, regulation, and markets. And when something happens to disrupt that ecosystem, stakeholder confidence is lost which can drastically affect a company's market value and its ability to do business - after all markets are based on trust.

Values-based diversity

Report Summary

As management guru Peter Drucker foresaw in Post-Capitalist Society, the so-called knowledge economy has put a premium on human talent, requiring businesses to compete with increasing ferocity for able and engaged people. The global nature of the economy—and the correspondingly high degree of workforce mobility—has only intensified demand.

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