Finance transformation: Everyone is doing it but few get it right

With the global economy and the business environment becoming more complex every day, companies and CFOs are increasingly keen to transform the finance function from a slightly aloof department within an organisation into an integral part of the business. For many companies, “transforming” finance is no longer a choice; it is the only way forward. Why Amazon will dominate global retail’s domination of book sales has disrupted and destabilised that industry. As “The Everything Store” moves into new sectors - delivering groceries, commissioning TV drama, computer games - can it repeat the trick?

Gulf jobs quotas: A business constraint?

Investors are increasingly looking to the Gulf Cooperation Council region for opportunities. How inviting are the business climates of the region? And what should investors make of the latest trends in local employment quotas?

Article - Strength in numbers

After he lost his job at a design studio in 2008, owing in part to health problems, Jimmy Gregory, from Leeds, spent two years unemployed, relying on government benefits. The Prince’s Trust, a charity, came to his rescue, and provided guidance on how to draft a business plan through a workshop and a year of follow-up support, followed by a £2,500 loan to start his own design studio. Today, Mr Gregory, 28 years old, is doing well enough to offer freelance work to other young people introduced through the Trust.

Moving beyond the deal

How can organisations overcome post-merger challenges once a deal has been struck? asks Torgny Gunnarsson, CEO of Imprima, a security software firm.

Why improving cross-border communication will unlock innovation in your company

Cross-border collaboration and innovation: An interview with Michael Distefano, CMO of Korn Ferry International

Wind of change

Mitigating climate risks: An interview with John Firth, CEO of Acclimatise

Bad company

Barclays is planning to open a string of bank kiosks in ASDA supermarkets, while Samsung is turning to The Carphone Warehouse to oversee its new European retails stories—supposedly to rival the Apple store. How careful should companies be about the “friends” they choose to hang out with?

Holding the purse strings

Rising pay and power is turning female shoppers into alpha consumers

Fraud on the rise

Fraud remains a widespread problem regardless of the industry or region in which businesses operate.

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