Bridging the skills gap: fuelling careers and the economy in Hong Kong

The survey respondents were drawn from across 14 markets in the region, out of which 11.8% were Gen Z (born in 1997-2012), 63.2% were Millennials (1981-96) and 25% were Gen X (1965-80). They all worked in a diverse mix of industries.

Technology and data: Driving manufacturing's future

Manufacturers throughout the sector are looking for and implementing advances in technology and production processes to improve their operations and remain competitive. This significant transformation in manufacturing, often described as Industry 4.0, is a high-stakes game that can be challenging for many companies. That’s because of the complexity of the disruption and the need to raise the skills of existing employees or recruit new ones.

Strategies for tackling the rising skills gap: A manufacturing challenge

At a time of significant technological change, manufacturers are recognizing the need to develop new strategies to recruit employees and upskill their current workforce. Yet achieving these goals is particularly tough, as tepid perceptions of the sector often lead top talent to resist careers in manufacturing.

What expatriates bring

Immigration has become one of the most widely discussed topics of today’s political and media discourse, trumping the debate on economic and foreign policy.

The quest for digital skills

The research is based on an online survey of 422 European and US executives, from functions including strategy and business development, marketing, sales and human resources. Survey data is supported by in-depth interviews with senior commentators and experts, including:

What expatriates bring

Click on the infographics tab to view each infographic.

Big roles for big data in HR

Driving the skills agenda

How can education systems best prepare students for the future?  Are schools failing to equip students for the world of work?

Closing the skills gap

An interview with Allan Ludgate of Deloitte

How do we prepare the students of today to be tomorrow’s digital leaders?

With rapidly evolving business needs, technological advances and new work structures, the skills that will be needed in the future are shifting. In response to these changes, policymakers, educators and experts around the world are rethinking their education systems.

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