Sufficiently efficient: 4 ways marketers achieve efficiency by doing more with less

With the proliferation of communication channels and shrinking budgets, how are marketers boosting efficiency and meeting changing demands? 

Driving energy efficiency: A comparison of five mature markets

The study focuses on the following areas:

  • The main types of strategies for encouraging energy savings
  • How information campaigns and incentives can be tailored to specific audiences
  • The role played by product labelling and standard-setting for energy efficiency
  • An assessment of what strategies work best in encouraging efficiency

Key findings:

EU Circular Economy Package: a good start, but there’s more to do

The high-level objectives announced by the European Commission in its Circular Economy Package in early December have the potential to boost the resource efficiency and competitiveness of the EU economy. But it is the upcoming detail behind the Commission’s proposals that will determine the ultimate impact that this package will have, says Stuart Bailey, head of sustainability and climate change at National Grid, a UK-headquartered multinational electricity and gas utility company.

It’s time for the EU’s economy to go circular

There is a compelling business case for the EU to rapidly improve the resource efficiency of its economy. Many businesses are already leading the way but a strong Circular Economy Package from the EU could help them go much further, argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group.

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