The World Ocean Summit 2014

The Economist brings cutting-edge thinking from multiple perspectives. Comments from Jane Lubchenco, Haas Distinguished Visitor in Public Service, Stanford University.

The World Ocean Summit 2014 - ocean is critical to life itself

Leon Panetta talks about The UN's role and how the ocean is critical. 

World Ocean Summit 2014 - Three main challenges the oceans face

Three main challenges the oceans face.

There is no Planet B

Jose Maria Figueres on high seas.

World Ocean Summit 2014 - Rachel Kyte talks about the ocean

Rachel Kyte discusses 

  • Global Partnership for Oceans
  • Financial innovation work

Discussion: The Arctic—Beacon of hope?

Discussion: The Arctic—Beacon of hope?

Briefing: The Arctic—Beacon of hope? by Gustaf Lind, Swedish Ambassador for the Arctic

Briefing: The Arctic—Beacon of hope? by Gustaf Lind, Swedish Ambassador for the Arctic

Discussion: Who should rule the waves?

Discussion: Who should rule the waves?

Discussion: Blue business, blue economy

Discussion: Blue business, blue economy

Discussion: Why value the oceans

Discussion: Why value the oceans

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