The power of proximity: Localising supply chains in the Middle East

Three decades of globalisation brought about by the proliferation of free trade agreements, investment liberalisation, and enhanced logistics have facilitated the geographic diversification of supply chains away from domestic markets. From the 1980s to the financial crisis in 2008, supply chains fanned out across the world as companies sought lower-cost locations for the sourcing of inputs and production.

The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index 2018

To measure how nations are addressing the issue of illicit trade, the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has commissioned The Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index, which evaluates 84 economies around the world on their structural capability to protect against illicit trade. The global index expands upon an Asia-specific version originally created by The Economist Intelligence Unit in 2016 to score 17 economies in Asia.

SMEs and Global Growth

This EIU article series, sponsored by Mazars, explores the challenges facing mid-market firms when expanding internationally for the first time. They look at companies in a range of industries and home markets and show how these have responded to the challenges. 

Read and download all five articles below.


SMEs and Global Growth: Meeting Logistics Challenges

A small or mid-sized enterprise (SME) establishing a presence in a new foreign market faces steep learning curves on several fronts. It must familiarise itself with the needs and preferences of a new market, ensure compliance with a new set of laws, find and train local staff, arrange financing, and sometimes learn a new language at the same time.

HR bypass

When Ken Allen first took charge of DHL Express in 2009, the company had lost €3bn in seven years. The first step back from the brink was to pull out of the intra-US express delivery market and focus on international services.

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