The challenges of mobility

The Economist Intelligence Unit is writing a series of six articles highlighting different challenges - and opportunities - businesses are presented with as their employees increasingly utilise mobile technologies at work. The issues covered in each article are:

Will this year be an Internet of Things Christmas?

New EIU report highlights a global pipeline of IoT products

What's next for the software-as-a-service marketplace?

The software-as-a-service industry, buoyed by heady growth, is highly confident about its future. But achieving the marketplace dominance predicted by industry players will require discipline, increased attention to customer concerns about security, and the savvy exploitation of mobility and other emerging technologies. A global EIU survey of 279 executives at companies that provide software as a service suggests that, while SaaS growth is swift and impact transformational, the industry is failing to tackle a deficit of trust that has long been a thorn in its side.

Talent Managing in the Great Reset

Some highlights of this week's Talent Management Summit run by Economist Events, from one of our regular guest bloggers

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