The Road to Action: Financial regulation addressing climate change


The cost of inaction: Recognising the value at risk from climate change, a July 2015 report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) and sponsored by Aviva, identified the need for a framework to govern the disclosure of climate-related financial risk.

An affordable transition to a competitive, low carbon economy is possible

At a time when climate policies are often presented as a drag on economic growth, a recent report from the UK’s Committee on Climate Change shows that moving to a competitive low carbon economy can be done affordably.

Post referendum, the UK must continue to lead on environmental issues

Following a referendum campaign that paid very little attention to the environment, it is in the UK’s interest to lead on environmental and low carbon economy issues argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group

Why EU environmental policy adds value to UK business

Despite the need for some improvements, EU environmental policy has on balance been positive for UK businesses, argues Nick Molho, executive director at the Aldersgate Group.

By how much will the world warm: 1.5, 2 or 3 degrees Celsius?

By John Moorhead, Managing Director at BSD Consulting, and Tim Nixon, Managing Editor of Sustainability at Thomson Reuters

The Paris Climate Conference


Catching rays

The democratisation of finance for clean-tech

Crowdfunding can give clean technology companies quick access to cheap capital, argues Irene Maffini, New Ventures Manager at The Carbon Trust.

Arctic Summit 2014 - Conservation priorities for the Arctic

A presentation from Rod Downie, Polar Programme Manager, WWF UK

Arctic Summit 2014 - Climate change and the Arctic

A presentation from Sir Brian Hoskins, Director Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College.

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