Stock market snakes and ladders

Many of the Chinese companies listed on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt continue to trade below their issue price.

Shake that money-maker

Arriving in any town after dark can often make for a bad first impression. But even in the light of day, Uyuni – a small town of about 20,000 in the high Andean plains of Bolivia – has not much to offer.

The Asian Exception

Even as fears about the European debt crisis and the United States’ feeble recovery persist, large parts of the global economy are still extremely dynamic, argues Marco Annunziata, Chief Economist of General Electric.

Development goals: everybody’s business

The UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are due to expire in 2015. Agreed by world leaders in 2000, they were intended to help speed up progress on issues like education, health and the eradication of poverty in some of the world's poorest countries.

Onward to Rio

After London 2012, all eyes now turn to Rio de Janeiro, the host of the next summer Olympics extravaganza.

Mixed messages on overseas aid

When things are going badly at home, politicians often look to foreign policy to project a sense of leadership and purpose.

Is the renminbi about to become a global currency?

China’s moves in recent years to allow greater freedom in cross-border currency flows have followed closely Deng Xiaoping’s cautionary aphorism about reform: that China should “cross the river by feeling for the stones”.

In search of an Olympic legacy

There is considerable debate among economists, policymakers and business leaders about just how big an impact the Olympic games have on the host city (and country).

Back to work?

Prolonged periods of unemployment have several consequences. A study published in 2009 by Till von Wachter, Jae Song and Joyce Manchester reported the effects on the wages of those fired during the 1980s recession.

Wanted: polyglot workers

As businesses continue to expand and pursue their international aspirations, will future job-seekers need to pay more attention to their language skills?

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