Playing the Long Game

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How can you take power beyond national grids?

Energy access cannot be left to the energy sector, argues Simon Trace, CEO of Practical Action.


The most common theme in emerging markets currently appears to be that there isn’t one. There’s slower growth in China, growing optimism in India, political uncertainty in Brazil and international sanctions in Russia. Each story is significant yet somewhat unrelated, making it difficult for banks and asset managers to package them for investors into a neat, tidy theme labelled emerging markets (EM).

Islamic finance: The race is on

Global banks like Goldman Sachs have joined the race to gain market share in the fast-growing Islamic finance industry. Can incumbent banks that have been traditionally more domestic-focused compete?

FTAs: fantastic, fine or futile?

Download the full report .

Africa’s energy outlook

I recently interviewed Dr Fatih Birol, chief economist at the International Energy Agency (IEA), about the implications of Africa’s projected supply and demand of energy.

Growth hotspots

What areas do Colombia and Peru need to focus on to guarantee long-term growth? asks Federico Barriga, analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

Is the euro zone crisis over?

Concerns about the currency union's imminent collapse have faded following decisive central-bank intervention. However, major political, economic and financial risks persist that continue to undermine the euro area's long-term viability.

World Cup 2014: who will be the economic winners?

Findings of an Economist Intelligence Unit poll

New life in an old idea?

The (potential) revival of Special Economic Zones in Asia – by Chris Clague, senior analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

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