Gut & gigabytes - Capitalising on the art & science in decision making

Insurance 2015 - Big data - over-hyped or will it really revolutionise insurance?

Insurance 2015 - Big data - over-hyped or will it really revolutionise insurance?

Big roles for big data

HR and the emerging digital economy 

Jan Chipchase - Inside the mind of the Chinese consumer

Jan Chipchase on how data sharing is changing your world.

How can airlines leverage customer data?

Interview with Henry Harteveldt, Travel Industry Analyst, Atmosphere Research Group

Data: less is more

Interview with Richard Keers, Group CFO, Schroders - part of the CFO Future Series

The CFO Summit 2014 - The CFO’s role in leading the data revolution

The CFO Summit 2014 - The CFO’s role in leading the data revolution

The CFO Summit 2014 - The CFO and big data

The CFO Summit 2014 - The CFO and big data

The CFO Summit 2014 - Unlocking growth through big data project connectivity

The CFO Summit 2014 - Unlocking growth through big data project connectivity

The CFO Summit 2014 - Big Data, Bigger Costs?

The CFO Summit 2014 - Big Data, Bigger Costs?

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