Information risk

Report Summary

Information risk: Managing digital assets in a new technology landscape is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by HP. It is intended to explore how organisations view and approach information risk and its management in the era of “big data” and cloud computing.

Why IT leaders need to communicate

The continued digitisation of the economy places communication among an IT executive's most important skills

What's next for the software-as-a-service marketplace?

The software-as-a-service industry, buoyed by heady growth, is highly confident about its future. But achieving the marketplace dominance predicted by industry players will require discipline, increased attention to customer concerns about security, and the savvy exploitation of mobility and other emerging technologies. A global EIU survey of 279 executives at companies that provide software as a service suggests that, while SaaS growth is swift and impact transformational, the industry is failing to tackle a deficit of trust that has long been a thorn in its side.

Smart SMBs

The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed owners and senior managers of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) from across the globe. The main findings to emerge from the research are as follows:

Who are Britain's unsung heroes?

Last year Microsoft Dynamics approached the Economist Intelligence Unit to devise a high-profile contest celebrating UK talent and innovative thinking – the Change Ambassadors programme.

Technological change in Asia

As decision-makers in global firms seek to expand their businesses in this post-financial-crisis world, they are being pulled in opposite directions. On the one hand, they have to contend with several growth constraints, including tightened budgets, a lack of resources and added regulatory burdens. On the other hand, they have abundant growth opportunities, as continued globalisation increases access to dozens of fast-growing emerging markets.

Global Energy Conversation III

Report Summary

This report invites a group of energy experts to explain their views on technologies and policies to meet the world’s energy challenges. It builds on two reports: Transitions from West to East, which examined the economic and political circumstances surrounding energy consumption, and Solutions to 2050, which explored solutions to meet rising energy demand and tackle climate change.

Telcos face a tough challenge convincing enterprise customers they can be trusted providers of additional services beyond voice and data.

Scaling SMEs

Scaling SMEs: Building a flexible platform for growth is an Economist Intelligence Unit report that discusses how highgrowth small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) are scaling their organisations to provide resources for growth whilst ensuring flexibility to respond quickly to changes in market conditions; the role of technology in scaling SMEs; and success factors in scaling headcount. The findings of this briefing paper are based on desk research and on in-depth interviews conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit with founders and managers of SMEs and other experts.

The open corporation

Report Summary

Why less hype about cloud computing?

Until around eight months ago, hype surrounding the technology phenomenon known as "the cloud" – which essentially means doing your computing on the internet – had snowballed to Everest-like proportions.

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