Future Cities Africa - CNN Commercial #1

Future Cities Africa - CNN Commercial

Making cities work: Delivering results in a downturn

  • A panel discussion at the Economist Conferences event, "Creating tomorrow's liveable cities", which was held in London in January 2011.
  • The panellists are Lorraine Baldry, chairman of Inventa Partners and board member of the Olympic Delivery Authority
  • Oisin MacNamara, director of research, business and innovation and professor of knowledge transfer at Northumbria University
  • Justin Davis Smith, chief executive at Volunteering England
  • Simon Warren, chief executive at Wolverhampton City Council

Eric Pickles: A vision for the future of UK cities

The keynote address at the Economist Conferences event,"Creating Tomorrow's Liveable Cities", held in London in January 2011, by Eric Pickles, Britain's Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.

Jan Gehl: Cities for people

The closing keynote at the Economist Conferences Event, "Creating tomorrow's liveable cities", presented by Professor Jan Gehl, founding partner of Gehl Architects, Copenhagen.

The challenge of liveable cities

Danuta Hübner MEP, chair of committee on regional development, European Parliament, and former EU commissioner for regional policy, giving the opening address at a special Economist conference on liveable cities in Brussels in November 2010.

Liveable cities: Key findings from the report

Economist Intelligence Unit senior editor Iain Scott presented the key findings of the "Liveable Cities" report at a special event in Brussels.

Cities for people

Creating tomorrow's liveable cities brought together key players in urban planning and regeneration to discuss the future of the UK’s cities. This is the closing keynote by Jan Gehl, Co-founder and Partner at Gehl Architects.

Urban liveability and economic growth

In this panel of Creating tomorrow's liveable cities, Iain Scott and Mark Kleinman explored the relationship between liveability and economic growth, discussing key findings from an Economist Intelligence Unit survey.

Making cities work: Delivering results in a downturn

This session explored best practice, case studies and ideas which have worked in meeting the demand for liveable cities while spending less, looking at which are likely to have staying power amidst today’s economic realities.

Ideas to revolutionise urban living

As part of the Creating tomorrow's liveable cities, this discussion aimed at eliciting the key factors in creating a liveable city and assessing their importance.

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