Enhancing patient-centred approaches to optimise early-breast cancer care: A review of current practice and opportunities for improvement in Singapore

“Enhancing patient-centred approaches to optimise early-breast cancer care: a review of current practice and opportunities for improvement in Singapore” is a research report by Economist Impact sponsored by MSD, which examines the existing breast cancer care pathway in Singapore and the factors that help or hinder the goal of achieving optimal patient-centred care.

Enhancing patient-centred approaches to optimise early-breast cancer care: A review of current practice in South Korea

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women in South Korea. Both the number of newly diagnosed patients and the age-standardised rate of breast cancer are increasing every year, with 28,049 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients in 2018, an increase of 6.1% from 2017. It is estimated that there were an additional 28,032 women diagnosed in 2022.

Enhancing patient-centred approaches to optimise early-breast cancer care: A review of current practice and opportunities for improvement in Thailand

"Enhancing patient-centred approaches to optimise early-breast cancer care: a review of current practice and opportunities for improvement in Thailand" is a research report by Economist Impact examining the existing breast cancer care pathway in Thailand and the factors that help or hinder the goal of achieving optimal patient-centred care.

Big plans, research and technology: highlights from the World Cancer Series: 2021

Highlights from the World Cancer Series: 2021

Cancer control in the Czech Republic: Findings from the Index of Cancer Preparedness

Cancer control in the Czech Republic findings from the Index of Cancer Preparedness is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by SOTIO and PPF. One of Europe’s ageing societies, the Czech Republic faces a growing cancer burden. Its response to cancer has been strong, helped by a generous health insurance system, a skilled workforce and advanced infrastructure. But to accelerate success, more coordination of resources is needed, as is greater attention to patient-centred care.

World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day reminds us that lung cancer must be at the top of Europe's agenda every day.

Projet global de financement pour l’élimination du cancer du col de l’utérus : Financer la prévention secondaire dans les contextes de faible revenu

Medidas globales de financiación para eliminar el cáncer de cuello uterino: financiación de servicios de prevención secundaria en países con bajos recursos

El cáncer de cuello uterino es el cuarto cáncer que se detecta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres en todo el mundo, aunque es uno de los tipos de cáncer que mejor se pueden tratar y más se pueden prevenir si se detectan a tiempo. La morbilidad y la mortalidad del cáncer de cuello uterino afectan de forma dispar a las mujeres de países con unos ingresos bajos o entre bajos y medios, y aquellas de los países más pobres. En 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud

Outside the hospital: cancer monitoring with apps

Patient monitoring apps allow patients with chronic diseases to report on their condition from outside of the hospital – where they spend most of their time – putting the patient, rather than the hospital, at the centre of the care pathway.

What can we do about the childhood cancers never diagnosed or treated?

Over the next ten years we can look forward to seeing an additional 1m children surviving cancer around the world. This success story will be achieved through the concerted efforts of multiple agencies to support implementation of the World Health Organisation’s global initiative for childhood cancer. This was announced in 2018 and aims to increase survival rates to at least 60% by 2030. 

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