
Data for equity in clean energy planning

August 27, 2021


Data for equity in clean energy planning

August 27, 2021

Michael Paterra

Senior manager, Policy & insights

Michael Paterra is a senior manager on the Policy & Insights team at Economist Impact. Michael leads research programs for foundations, governments, nonprofits and corporates seeking evidence-based analysis to inform policy recommendations and strategy development. He specialises in the intersection of security, health, migration and the environment. At Economist Impact he leads research on a number of benchmarking indexes, including the Global Health Security Index, a 195-country study on epidemic and pandemic preparedness. Michael previously spent time specializing in global labour market research and international labour statistics at The Conference Board. He holds a Master's degree in International Political Economy and Development from Fordham University and a bachelor’s degree in economic and political science from the University of Delaware.

The US stands at a pivotal moment to develop an equitable clean energy economy. The recent momentum towards achieving net zero emissions to combat climate change, combined with a growing availability of data and technology, can set it on a path to make right generations of racial and class discrimination in communities across the nation. 

This discrimination has led to a state of energy injustice, where low-income people and people of colour in frontline communities suffer from higher energy burdens, power shutoffs and service breakdowns. Often sited close to natural hazards and lacking adequate infrastructure, research shows these communities suffer the first and worst impacts of climate change, with residents having insufficient resources to adapt or mitigate, contribute to decisions made, or make the most of available clean energy solutions (i.e. renewables).

A changing climate threatens to worsen their situation, affecting housing stock, security, and financial wellbeing and health. Without the right policies and programmes, these communities could suffer further inequity as the US economy decarbonises over the coming decades. Addressing climate change and energy equity are irreversibly intertwined in an increasingly unpredictable world of extreme weather events. Frontline decision-makers will need to work across sectors and industries, and with different practitioners from government and non-government organisations (NGOs), to tailor interventions to ensure historically disadvantaged communities thrive in the new clean energy economy. 

Data for equity in clean energy planning is a report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Microsoft. It explores the role of data and technology in developing a more equitable approach to clean energy planning in frontline communities across the US. Key findings include:

  • Historical energy injustice needs to be eradicated so the benefits of the new clean energy economy are shared to all. This requires agreement on what equitable clean energy means, what standards should be set to achieve it and how it can be measured. Any action taken will need to centre on the needs of frontline communities.

  • The power to do this relies on being able to access and analyse data that will identify communities most at need, show how residents are sharing the benefits and burdens of clean energy investments, and highlight what structural and procedural challenges need to be addressed on the ground. Informed local decision-making is critical for making investments and generating outcomes that align with local needs.

  • Accessing existing data is a work in progress, with most data from utilities and government agencies focusing on how benefits and burdens are distributed across the population. Data will need to shed light on broader equity issues, like how involved communities are at identifying problems, coming up with solutions and monitoring progress to improve accountability. And communities need to have the capacity, staff and resources to use the data to inform local planning.

  • Ongoing initiatives are already making a difference. Official entities and NGOs are developing detailed online energy equity databases and maps. Users can map areas of need, and layer data to see how energy fits in with housing, health, workplace and infrastructural programmes, and in the future will be able to use scenario planners to make decisions.

  • Technology has a role to play, too—as a mix of renewables enter the grid, smart meters and energy efficient devices can generate reliable and precise data that communities can use to make decisions and address equity issues.

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