Technology & Innovation

Economic empowerment leaders

February 01, 2016


February 01, 2016


In a series of content pieces, the EIU explores how technology and innovation is empowering people, specifically the younger generations, to find careers within the technology industry.

The associate advantage infographic lays out how middle-skills degrees can lead to economic empowerment through taking a closer look at the U.S. job market. What are the paths to success and how do we prepare our students? 

In a similar vein - Bright ideas, good jobs - the second infographic of the programme, explores how young, innovative firms create economic empowerment. How are entrepreneurs growing their businesses and preparing for the next generation?

The article series dive deeper into specific regions including Pakistan, Colombia, Rwanda and the U.S. to take a closer look at how students within their regions are leveraging various sorts of technology.

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