Technology & Innovation

Crossing the divide, digitally

February 01, 2016


February 01, 2016

Our Editors

The Economist Intelligence Unit


Explore how online education connects Rwandan students to a brighter future.

One recent morning at Kepler Kigali, a non-profit university programme in Rwanda, students faced an interesting problem. Their online healthcare management course was providing excellent training and an opportunity to earn an American college degree, but it also involved the intricacies of the United States’ recently enacted Affordable Care Act—aka Obamacare—and a significant portion of the materials did
not apply to the Rwandan students’ lives or future careers.

“The issues are going to be very different in a Rwandan context,” says Carolyn Tarr, Kepler’s director of academic programmes. “So we challenged students to determine how they could take their learning and address it here on the ground.”

Online learning programmes like Kepler have the potential to transform the lives of young people in the developing world, as they can provide unprecedented access to Western universities at a very low cost. The 300 students at Kepler Kigali and Kepler Kiziba, a satellite school at the Kiziba Refugee Camp, pay US$1,000 a year to work toward an associate’s degree at Southern New Hampshire University. They’re also able to borrow money to purchase laptops through the non-profit lending platform Kiva.

According to the United Nations Population Fund, the vast majority of the world’s 1.8 billion people between the ages of 10 and 24 live in developing nations, and roughly 120 million young people reach working age each year. Online education could be a key strategy for preparing them for the 21st-century workplace.

But Tarr notes that technology alone can’t do the entire job.

“A lot of people believe that if you give a student a computer, then all of the education problems will be solved. But it’s also important to be engaged in real time with other learners and a facilitator,” she says.

The Kepler instructors, all but three of whom are Rwandan, lead group discussions, work one-on-one with students, curate and develop materials, and help put information from the American platform into context. During the healthcare conversation, for example, students discussed the pros and cons of both the American and Rwandan systems. One student, intrigued by online- and app-based appointment-booking platforms, explored ways to apply the technology locally.

Kepler’s hybrid system has two essential components. To receive the accredited American degree, students engage in Southern New Hampshire University’s online learning platform, College for America (CfA). Via individual portals, students submit coursework, take tests and receive grades and evaluations—the Kepler staff have no influence over CfA’s materials or grading. In this context, the Kepler faculty’s role is to support students as they set goals and interpret feedback from CfA evaluations.

The second part of the programme is created and run by Kepler, with curriculum materials stored in Google drives and grades managed and housed via the learning management system Canvas.

For this portion, students receive in-class instruction, engage in group discussions and conduct independent projects. Some of Kepler’s courses are built around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), free online courses from major universities throughout
the world. However, instructors must also be prepared to teach classes that don’t require streaming videos or online engagement, as Internet services in the region can be unreliable.

The Kepler curriculum aims to prepare students for success in the knowledge economy by teaching technology skills, English, critical thinking and 21st-century communication (such as writing research papers, business emails and social-media campaigns). Since
the programme launched in 2013, Tarr says the staff has continually beefed up support structures, such as one-on-one coaching and small study groups, as the transition to more student-directed learning proved challenging for some.

“We were asking students to make a transition from a model where they sit and take notes and regurgitate information to one where they’re given a problem and asked to utilise different resources to solve it. It’s a fairly big shift,” she says.

During their first year, students experience a high level of teacher interaction, as they’re in class for 16 to 20 hours a week. During the second year, online module courses enable students to keep more flexible schedules that can accommodate internships and employment. Tarr notes that typically Rwandan students don’t begin internships until very late in their academic careers, right before or after graduation. Her team works with employers, such as Kigali Farms and Off Grid Electric, to ensure that students get work experience well before they graduate.

The Kepler staff also partner with employers to help determine the skills that students need to develop, though in the future Tarr hopes to find a data analytics system that will enable the team to monitor student progress, both in class and on the job, in a more comprehensive way.

“For example, if an employer had 15 students and noticed a similar problem across those students, we’d be able to directly address that skill here on campus,” she says.

This work-in-progress approach, she believes, is the key to creating a programme that can successfully bridge two very different worlds. “We have gone through a couple of different iterations,” says Tarr, which is fine. “We’re approaching it from the angle of being leaners first.”

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