
New business models

October 13, 2014


October 13, 2014

Monica Woodley

Editorial director, EMEA

Monica is editorial director for The Economist Intelligence Unit's thought leadership division in EMEA. As such, she manages a team of editors across the region who produce bespoke research programmes for a range of clients. In her five years with the Economist Group, she personally has managed research programmes for companies such as Barclays, BlackRock, State Street, BNY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, Mastercard, EY, Deloitte and PwC, on topics ranging from the impact of financial regulation, to the development of innovation ecosystems, to how consumer demand is driving retail innovation.

Monica regularly chairs and presents at Economist conferences, such as Bellwether Europe, the Insurance Summit and the Future of Banking, as well as third-party events such as the Globes Israel Business Conference, the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights and the Geneva Association General Assembly. Prior to joining The Economist Group, Monica was a financial journalist specialising in wealth and asset management at the Financial Times, Euromoney and Incisive Media. She has a master’s degree in politics from Georgetown University and holds the Certificate of Financial Planning.


Six years after the onset of the global financial crisis, sustainability concerns are continuing to work their way into the mainstream of business.

Despite continued uncertain economic conditions, most companies remain persuaded that there is a strong causal link between their financial performance over a 5-10 year time horizon and their current commitment to improving their environmental, social and governance performance. Against this background, a number of business leaders are reviewing their approach to sustainability, weighing new corporate strategies and new business models in efforts to ensure their long-term sustainability.

New business models for the 21st century is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, commissioned by Enel Foundation that discusses companies’ views on sustainability measures, the challenge of measuring and reporting sustainability outcomes, and the prospects of business models focussing on long-term sustainability.

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