Talent & Education

Wasted youth?

January 29, 2014


January 29, 2014

Sara Mosavi

Former editor

Sara is a Policy and Research Manager at UK Commission for Employment and Skills working on issues such as youth unemployment, productivity, apprenticeships and further education. Prior to this, Sara worked as an Editor with The Economist Intelligence Unit's Thought Leadership team for over three years researching projects on educuation, talent, risk management and organisational behaviour. Sara holds a MSc in International Public Policy at UCL and read Italian and Linguistics at St Hugh's College, Oxford.


A series of EIU articles, supported by learndirect, examine the role of business in tackling youth unemployment in the UK

Wasted Youth? is a series of EIU articles, supported by , examining the role of business in tackling youth unemployment in the UK. 

In , we consider the impact of youth unemployment on the long-term growth and competitiveness of the British economy.

In we analyse a number of private-public partnerships designed to tackle youth unemployment in the UK. 

In  we search for the reasons behind the UK's high rate of youth unemployment.

In , we consider four private sector initiatives aimed at tackling youth unemployment in the UK. 

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