Talent & Education

How to make the Sustainable Development Goal for education work

May 07, 2015


May 07, 2015

Rachel Outhred

Education metrics lead

Rachel Outhred is Education Metrics Lead and Senior Consultant at Oxford Policy Management, a leading international development consultancy focussed on providing sustainable solutions for reducing social and economic disadvantage in low- and middle-income countries. Her recent work focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of large-scale education programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, for example in Nigeria, Tanzania and Sierra Leone. She was previously Project Director of the Zimbabwe Early Learning Assessment. Rachel is widely published in the areas of education access and quality for vulnerable groups.

The ambition of the Sustainable Development Goal for education is admirable. It’s encouraging to see learning at the heart of the agenda. However, there needs to be more clarity on what we are measuring and how exactly we are defining progress, argues Rachel Outhred, a Senior Development Economist at Oxford Policy Management.

The recent UNESCO Global Monitoring Report is a timely reminder: it throws down the gauntlet for the post-2015 development agenda negotiations currently taking place, re-focusing attention on the proposed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for education and asking what we need to do to ensure "inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".

The ambition of the education SDG is admirable: It’s encouraging to see learning at the heart of the agenda. One of the major criticisms of the expiring Millennium Development Goal was its narrow focus, prioritising access to education over the quality of that education—as Lant Pritchett, senior fellow at the think tank, Centre for Global Development, puts it: "schooling ain’t learning".

It’s also encouraging to see that this focus hasn’t been stripped out as we drill down through the indicators that underpin the goal and its accompanying targets. Minimum learning standards appear in several of these proposed indicators, relating to concepts such as reading, literacy, numeracy and mathematics.

The importance of measuring progress

It’s these indicators—as unglamorous as they seem—that will allow us to measure progress, supporting comparisons between different countries and providing the benchmark against which to hold governments, donors and the international community to account. It’s important therefore that we get them right. I think there are two key areas that need urgent attention:

First, we need to decide exactly what we are measuring in each indicator—reading and literacy are actually quite different constructs, as are numeracy and mathematics. Even in its most basic form literacy is a lot broader than reading. Similarly, the OECD’s definition of numeracy goes further than mathematics—it hinges on the ability to not just understand mathematical concepts but to apply them in a variety of situations.

These differences are both real and important. Assessments of education programmes run by the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) in countries such as Nigeria and Tanzania show that, even when children can read, write or complete mathematical calculations, their ability to apply this knowledge to both everyday and new contexts often remains limited. In a world where the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is an increasingly valuable life skill, it’s crucial we capture this.

Second, we need to decide how exactly we are defining progress. The indicators centre on a standards approach, implicitly or explicitly referring to minimum levels of proficiency. However, currently, there are no internationally agreed standards in literacy, reading, mathematics or numeracy. At the very least, there needs to be consensus around qualitative descriptions that outline exactly what learners should be able to do against each indicator.

As the world’s statistical experts gather next month to start thrashing out the finer details around the SDG indicators, now’s the time to address these unanswered questions, clarify meanings and ensure we’re all reading from the same page. 

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