Talent & Education

Our future of abundance—and joblessness

December 19, 2014


December 19, 2014

Vivek Wadhwa


Vivek Wadhwa is a Fellow at Arthur & Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Stanford University; Director of Research at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization at the Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University; and Distinguished Fellow at Singularity University.

Wadhwa oversees research at Singularity University, which educates a select group of leaders about the exponentially growing technologies that are soon going to change our world. These advances — in fields such as robotics, A.I., computing, synthetic biology, 3D printing, medicine, and nanomaterial — are making it possible for small teams to do what was once possible only for governments and large corporations to do: solve the important challenges in education, water, food, shelter, health, and security.

In his roles at Stanford and Duke, Wadhwa lectures in class on subjects such as entrepreneurship and public policy, helps prepare students for the real world, and leads ground-breaking research projects. He is an advisor to several governments; mentors entrepreneurs and was named by Foreign Policy Magazine as Top 100 Global Thinker and listed by TIME Magazine as one of The 40 Most Influential Minds in Tech. He is author of The Immigrant Exodus: Why America Is Losing the Global Race to Capture Entrepreneurial Talent (2012).

Vivek Wadhwa, Fellow, at Stanford University Law School, explores the impact of technology on employment—and on the future of the human race

Within two decades, we will have almost unlimited energy, food, and clean water; advances in medicine will allow us to live longer and healthier lives; robots will drive our cars, manufacture our goods, and do our chores. 

But there won’t be much work for human beings. This is a future we need to be aware of—and prepare for.

Self-driving cars will be commercially available by the end of this decade and will eventually displace human drivers—just as automobiles displaced the horse and buggy—and will eliminate the jobs of taxi, bus, and truck drivers.  In the next decade, drones will take the jobs of postmen and delivery people. 

Robots are already replacing manufacturing workers. Industrial robots have advanced to the point at which they can do the same physical work as human beings.  The operating cost of some robots is now less than the salary of an average Chinese worker. And, unlike human beings, robots don’t complain, join labor unions, or get distracted.  They readily work 24 hours a day and require minimal maintenance.  Robots will also take the jobs of farmers, pharmacists, and grocery clerks.

Medical sensors in our smartphones, clothing, and bathrooms will soon be monitoring our health on a minute-to-minute basis.  Combined with electronic medical records and genetic and lifestyle data, these will provide enough information for physicians to focus on preventing disease rather than on curing it.  If medications are needed, they can be prescribed based on a person’s genome rather than a one-size-fits-all basis as they are today.  The problem is that there is now so much information that humans cannot effectively analyze it.  But artificial intelligence–based physicians such as IBM Watson can. 

The role of the doctor becomes to provide comfort and compassion—not to diagnose disease or to prescribe medications.  In other words, computers will be also taking over some of the jobs of our doctors, and we won’t need as many human doctors as we have today. 

At best we have another 10 to 15 years in which there is a role for humans.  The number of available jobs will actually increase in the U.S. and Europe before it decreases.  China is out of time because it has a manufacturing-based economy, and those jobs are already disappearing.  Ironically, China is accelerating this demise by embracing robotics and 3D printing.  As manufacturing comes back to the U.S., new factories need to be built, robots need to be programmed, and new infrastructure needs to be developed.  To install new hardware and software on existing cars to make them self-driving, we will need many new auto mechanics.  We need to manufacture the new medical sensors, install increasingly efficient solar panels, and write new automation software.

The utopian, Star Trek, future we have long dreamed about is finally within sight. The only question is whether the human race will focus on uplifting itself through knowledge and the Arts or self-destruct because it doesn’t know what to do with itself. 

These are issues we addressed at a Rockefeller Foundation-hosted meeting in Bellagio, Italy, in August. Government, think tanks and industry all have a role to play to ensure that humans from all walks of life benefit from technology.  And that our knowledge and skills support both us and a changing world.

The future looks bright – if we properly harness human intelligence.

Experts from public, private and research sectors met to explore and innovate solutions to these and other pressing topics at a recent Rockefeller Foundation-backed meeting. Learn what they had to say in our “Securing Livelihoods: Visions of a better future” report and video

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