Economic Development


September 05, 2018


September 05, 2018

Chris Clague

Managing editor Asia & Global editorial lead, Trade and globalisation

Chris Clague is managing editor in Asia for Economist Impact. He is an expert in international trade and trade policy and has also advised clients throughout the Asian region on the strategic implications of megatrends and political risk. He was a consultant in The Economist Group's Tokyo office and was the project leader and editor for the Economist Intelligence /Nikkei BP publication The World to 2050 (available in Japanese only). 

Prior to joining The Economist Group, he was a senior consultant and Director of China Operations for a boutique consulting firm that worked with governments and MNCs on issues related to international trade, investment, and commodities. 

Chris holds an MSc in Asian Politics from the London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and a certificate in International Trade Law and Economics from the World Trade Institute’s summer academy. He provides regular commentary on trade and the Japanese economy to international media.


2018 年韩礼士基金会可持续贸易指数是一项由韩礼士基金会委托经济学人智库创作的指数与基准研究。本报告是该研究第二版,第一版于 2016 年首次发布。本报告介绍了该指数的关键发现和相应模型。

该指数旨在测评 20 个经济体——包括 19 个亚洲经济体以及美国——在参与到国际贸易体系的过程中,支持国内外经济长期增长、环境保护和强化社会资本的能力。该指数包含 24 项指标,按上述三大方面分组,总体测评一个国家进行的是否为可持续贸易。

该指数旨在说明,尽管贸易是经济发展不可或缺的部分,但若没有负责任的环境管理,不努力全面开发社会资本,就不能实现可持续的贸易。在环境和社会方面落后的国家不能实现贸易的长效繁荣,无法吸引到关键的外国直接投资 (FDI),也难以得到多边发展组织的拨款和支持。因此,该指数可以作为各国在实现联合国可持续发展目标方面所取得进展的一项参考标准。



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