Technology & Innovation

Smart SMBs

May 30, 2013


May 30, 2013

Monica Woodley

Editorial director, EMEA

Monica is editorial director for The Economist Intelligence Unit's thought leadership division in EMEA. As such, she manages a team of editors across the region who produce bespoke research programmes for a range of clients. In her five years with the Economist Group, she personally has managed research programmes for companies such as Barclays, BlackRock, State Street, BNY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, Mastercard, EY, Deloitte and PwC, on topics ranging from the impact of financial regulation, to the development of innovation ecosystems, to how consumer demand is driving retail innovation.

Monica regularly chairs and presents at Economist conferences, such as Bellwether Europe, the Insurance Summit and the Future of Banking, as well as third-party events such as the Globes Israel Business Conference, the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights and the Geneva Association General Assembly. Prior to joining The Economist Group, Monica was a financial journalist specialising in wealth and asset management at the Financial Times, Euromoney and Incisive Media. She has a master’s degree in politics from Georgetown University and holds the Certificate of Financial Planning.


Smart SMBs: Fine-tuning the engines of growth is an executive summary of an Economist Intelligence Unit survey

The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed owners and senior managers of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) from across the globe. The main findings to emerge from the research are as follows:

Smarter internal operations are key to growth: New businesses have a high chance of failure within the first five years, so revenue growth is understandably of utmost importance to the owners and senior managers of SMBs. Next to revenue growth, the strategic focus of SMBs is now firmly on improvements in operating efficiency and attracting and retaining talent. Optimising existing company operations efficiency in this way is seen as a higher priority than other strategic objectives like entering new markets or developing new products.

The majority of SMBs, moreover, have a complementary view of pursuing revenue growth and making improvements to the way the company operates. Over the next 12 months, expanding the business is likely to be the strongest reason for driving efficiency improvements, according to more than half (55%) of survey respondents, whereas only a quarter of respondents (24%) are motivated by reducing costs. Even fewer respondents are motivated by reducing complexity (12%) or by pressure on profit margins (5%).

This striving for smarter growth is borne out in the concrete steps that SMBs are taking to improve internal operations. The top efficiency initiative, being undertaken by more than half (58%) of respondents to the survey, is training employees to work smarter. A similar number of SMBs in the survey (57%) are investing in IT upgrades to hardware or software. In contrast, only 14% of SMBs are reducing headcounts, working hours or expanding temporary workforces.

SMBs should embrace new technologies: Technology is a crucial component of this smarter growth strategy. As SMBs invest in staff training and IT upgrades, the overwhelming majority are seeing the benefits of technology: over nine in ten (91%) of SMBs surveyed say they have benefited from tech-driven improvements to the business in the past 12 months. Looking ahead, the survey respondents pick out mobile working, cloud computing and “big data” (enhanced data collection and analysis) as the three technology developments likely to have the greatest impact on their business in the next 12 months. This should come as little surprise. These advances have enormous potential to help businesses be more efficient, by streamlining processes, enabling flexible working and reducing fixed capital costs.

Exploiting mobile technologies to the full is critical for the majority of SMBs training employees to work more flexibly. Meanwhile, cloud computing is particularly advantageous for start-ups and high-growth small firms, because these businesses have less capital than established companies to tie-up in expensive servers or office space, but a greater need for the flexibility to scale-up operations during periods of high growth. The potential that these technologies have to level the playing field between smaller and larger companies is reflected in the fact that only a third of respondents now see the cost of new technology as too steep.

But despite these clear benefits and greater accessibility, many SMBs are still taking a cautious approach to new technology. For the time being, more companies are upgrading existing hardware or software than investing in new technology. Such caution ultimately comes down to resources. Smaller businesses do not have the IT capabilities of larger enterprises, and many start-ups are unlikely to have a dedicated IT specialist at all. The use of cloud-based services should help in this regard, for the reasons set out above. But owners and managers of SMBs also recognise the role that IT specialists have to play in small businesses: a lack of technology skills or know-how is rated the second obstacle to improving operations.

Managers must take the lead on change: Across the world, SMBs are keenly aware they need to make improvements to the way their businesses operate. An overwhelming 90% of respondents say their companies can do more to increase efficiency. In addition, over half are both unhappy with efficiency at their company and struggle to tackle inefficiencies. But aside from taking the focus off growth, there are few compelling reasons for not addressing these issues. For instance, only 15% of SMBs surveyed believe that all obvious improvements to the business have already been targeted. A similarly low number claim to be put off by the perceived high cost of efficiency measures.

At the individual company level, what seems to be holding businesses back more than anything is a resistance to change. This is cited by SMBs as the top internal barrier to launching efficiency initiatives, ahead of the aforementioned IT skills gap and ahead of taking the focus of growth (as well as being on a par with the percentage of respondents citing the weak economy as their top external barrier to making these improvements). A sizeable proportion of senior managers are clearly aware of the leadership role they must play in overcoming this resistance to change. To succeed with initiatives aimed at improving the business, three quarters of these senior respondents believe it is vital to get their buy in. What is more, a lack of urgency or initiative from leadership is another highly ranked internal obstacle to improving the business.

Still, there is some divergence of opinion among this leadership group. Business owners are much less likely to see resistance to change as an obstacle than other senior executives. This suggests that some owners may be part of the problem – and not just the solution. Therefore, the first hurdle for some businesses may well be to convince the ultimate decision-makers of the need for them to sponsor organisational improvement.

New businesses should invest in smart growth early: Given the focus on smarter growth, it is striking how few companies perceive there to be a competitive advantage to be gained from pursuing these organisational improvements. As it stands, less than a third of respondents (29%) are worried their competitors are improving efficiency faster than they are. In smaller businesses, with under $1m in assets, this concern is even slighter, with only 17% of respondents worried about the competitive advantage efficiency gives competitors. Yet such complacency can cause longer term damage to the business.

Putting off efficiency improvements risks the problems becoming embedded in the business as it grows rapidly and reaches scale. The results of the survey clearly show that older companies, those with over 10 years in business, are more likely to struggle with their internal operations. Almost three in five (59%) of the SMBs falling into this group admit to having difficulty tackling inefficiencies compared with 46% of younger companies.

Together with tackling inefficiencies, the older companies in the survey are more likely to have faced challenges to the bottom line: while most SMBs are profitable, four in five of those that have seen profits decline or become loss-making in the last 12 months have been in business for over 10 years. Operational inefficiency is likely to be one of many potential factors contributing to this decreased profitability, so this should provide management with added motivation to pursue smarter growth from the outset.

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