Technology & Innovation

Risk-informed innovation

December 18, 2014


December 18, 2014

Martin Koehring

Senior Manager for Sustainability, Climate Change and Natural Resources & Head of the World Ocean Initiative

Martin Koehring is senior manager for sustainability, climate change and natural resources at (part of The Economist Group). He leads Economist Impact's sustainability-related policy and thought leadership projects in the EMEA region. He is also the head of the, inspiring bold thinking, new partnerships and the most effective action to build a sustainable ocean economy.

He is a member of the Advisory Committee for the UN Environment Programme’s Global Environment Outlook for Business and is a faculty member in the Food & Sustainability Certificate Program provided by the European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability.

His previous roles at The Economist Group, where he has been since 2011, include managing editor, global health lead and Europe editor at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

He earned a bachelor of economic and social studies in international relations from Aberystwyth University and a master’s degree in diplomacy and international relations from the College of Europe.


Good risk management can identify new business opportunities and be a powerful aid to innovation. However, when the risk function is reduced to a compliance-only role, its strategic benefits are lost.

Ensuring effective collaboration between risk and innovation is easier said than done. There are cultural barriers to overcome and old habits to break. Stronger risk management frameworks that take a holistic approach to risk can help to bring down some of these barriers.

"Both risk management and internal audit can help enable future value creation; that’s the upside of risk. You use the same framework and some of the same principles to figure out where your organisation can exploit and take on more risk as you do when you want to reduce the effects of risk in other areas."

-Paul Sobel, Chairman of the board, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)

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