Technology & Innovation

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

May 14, 2015


May 14, 2015

Riva Richmond

Former editor

Riva Richmond is Director of Digital Media at The Story Exchange, a nonprofit digital media project that tells the stories of women entrepreneurs in articles and videos. Previously she worked as a Senior Editor with The Economist Intelligence Unit's Thought Leadership team in New York. She has reported and written about technology more than a decade, much of that time focused on information security and privacy issues. Prior to her current position, Riva was a freelance journalist writing for The New York Times,, The Wall Street Journal and other national publications.


Mapping the cloud maturity curve is an interactive research programme exploring the strategic fundamentals of cloud maturity and how companies seize growth opportunities opened up by the cloud.

Cloud technologies have gone mainstream. The benefits of cloud services outweigh the drawbacks. No longer are companies asking if the cloud is hype or a fad. Now they’re more worried whether they’re making costly mistakes by clinging to old technologies and enduring the headaches of managing them. Organisations often use cloud computing to break free of the shackles of ageing, legacy IT systems and to better position themselves and sell and compete on digital platforms. Whatever the business goal driving goal adoption, it is vital to know what metrics will be used to measure the success or failure of the investment.

The bottom-line message is straightforward: know your destination, know why you’re making this journey, and know how you’re going to recognize when you have arrived. Cloud computing has become a business-critical issue, and organisations must take a methodical approach if they are to get the business benefits they have been told – and sold – to expect.



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