Technology & Innovation

Frontiers of disruption

November 16, 2011


November 16, 2011

Our Editors

The Economist Intelligence Unit


Understand more about the impact of technological change on your business.

Report Summary

Is technology-led innovation slowing down? Some observers consider this to be the case, believing that technology advancements are not having the transformative effects on life and industry experienced in previous periods. Business leaders beg to differ, at least when it comes to the changes they expect technology to bring to markets and industries over the next decade. Having witnessed the profound effects that the Internet, wireless communications, enterprise applications and other technologies have recently had on organisations, executives might be excused for expecting a lull. Judging by the views expressed in this Economist Intelligence Unit survey, however, technology is certain to be the source of continued disruption to markets and industries between now and 2020.

Key findings from the research include:

  • On-going technological change will lead to significant disruption in markets and industries.
  • Technological advance will create flatter structures, with more decision making authority at the periphery.
  • There will be more "virtual working", but respondents are uncertain exactly what this will mean for their own working practices.

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