Technology & Innovation

Delivering results through claims technologies

November 30, 2011


November 30, 2011

Monica Woodley

Editorial director, EMEA

Monica is editorial director for The Economist Intelligence Unit's thought leadership division in EMEA. As such, she manages a team of editors across the region who produce bespoke research programmes for a range of clients. In her five years with the Economist Group, she personally has managed research programmes for companies such as Barclays, BlackRock, State Street, BNY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, Mastercard, EY, Deloitte and PwC, on topics ranging from the impact of financial regulation, to the development of innovation ecosystems, to how consumer demand is driving retail innovation.

Monica regularly chairs and presents at Economist conferences, such as Bellwether Europe, the Insurance Summit and the Future of Banking, as well as third-party events such as the Globes Israel Business Conference, the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights and the Geneva Association General Assembly. Prior to joining The Economist Group, Monica was a financial journalist specialising in wealth and asset management at the Financial Times, Euromoney and Incisive Media. She has a master’s degree in politics from Georgetown University and holds the Certificate of Financial Planning.


An Ernst & Young report, written by the Economist Intelligence Unit

Delivering results through claims technologies is an Ernst & Young report, written by the Economist Intelligence Unit. It examines the many pressures on claims management functions today and assesses how insurers are responding to new and emerging issues in the claims environment, particularly with technology solutions.

Ask most insurers to identify the current drivers of change for claims management and they will give you a diverse list that will include anything from combating fraudsters to complying with wave after wave of regulation. A common and persistent theme,however, is that of the customer journey: the need to meet evolving customer requirements is very much at the forefront of many of the changes taking place across Europe.

This can be at odds with the equally pressing need to maximize profitability and keep costs down. However, there are areas in which the demands of the customer and the bottom line are aligned. This is particularly true when it comes to the speedy settlement of claims, which is commonly cited as a priority for customers, but which also translates into lower costs for the insurer.

It is this ability of claims management to reduce costs that has ensured that — despite the uncertain economic environment— insurers are not standing still when it comes to investing intechnology. There is currently much activity across Europe in terms of changes to and investment in claims management, and there is widespread confidence among claims leaders that the insurance industry as a whole is investing sufficiently in IT to improve thespeed, efficiency and accuracy of claims handling.

There is also a high level of consensus among insurers that teams of skilled claims handlers need to be supported by efficient and up-to-date claims management technology. Insurers appear keener than ever to invest in this technology, with claims leaders looking to maximize the benefits of new software and solutions. But with the ever-present need to demonstrate a return on all investment, the question remains of where best to focus resources.

Key findings from the research include:

Customer expectations are evolving, but this is not necessarily translating into investment in customer-centric claims management technology. Of those surveyed, 40% pointed to “customer expectations of speed and efficiency” as one of the main factors driving change in claims management across the insurance industry, and increased customer satisfaction is considered a top three driver when investing in claims management technology.Yet customer and claimant management was only selected by one quarter of respondents as an area of claims operations they are currently prioritizing for change, and less than one-fifth of respondents are investing in tools to assist with interaction with customers. Being prepared to interact with customers through a variety of channels will be vital, as the survey shows a strong increase in customer expectations of using mobile devices and social media to interact during the claims process over the next five years, as well as wanting face to face interaction.

The shift in how insurers are approaching investment in claims technology is resulting in an increased demand for specific skills and resources. Historically, building a bespoke system has been a more common approach but, over the next three years, insurers are more likely to buy a technology tool and adapt it or enhance or replatform an existing system. This is particularly true of respondents whose organizations have undertaken a large-scale IT claims initiative in the past three years. Of the respondents who have, in the past, built one only 6% still plan to build a bespoke system in the next three years. Yet, despite this shift, around 4 in 10 insurers still say they are recruiting to bring new skills in-house to support their development plans. This disconnect is particularly marked in the UK, with 60% of respondents saying they are recruiting new skills in-house, despite only 5% planning to build a bespoke system. This continued need for in-house skills may be explained by the level of customization insurers plan for the off-the-shelf tools they are buying, or the fact that they previously outsourced much of their technology development.

Insurers recognize the need for better data management but are not yet prioritizing this in the implementation of claims management technologies. Survey respondents say that “better data management” is the change that would most increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their claims processing function and improvement in capturing claims data is a top five driver when investing in new claims processing technology. Reporting and analytics software are the top technology solutions insurers are considering to address issues faced in claims processing. However, it is interesting to look at the issues of improvement in capturing claims data and generating better management information. These are more important drivers when investing in new claims processing technology for those respondents whose organizations have undertaken a large scale IT claims initiative in the past three years than for those who have not. This suggests that past investments may not deliver what is needed in these areas.

More efficient interaction with external suppliers and third parties is a top priority to help reduce rising claims settlement costs. Almost one-quarter of respondents feel that inefficiencies in dealing with external suppliers in the claims process is contributing to
rising claims settlement costs. Also, improved connectivity with third-party suppliers was cited by almost one-third of respondents as an important way in which to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the claims processing function. Efficient interaction with external suppliers and third parties, such as brokers and loss adjusters, is the second priority area for change of claims operations insurers. This is particularly true in the UK, Germany and Spain. Furthermore, better data exchange with third-party suppliers is seen as the most important outcome or driver when investing in new claims management technology for 75% of respondents from Spain and 50% from Italy.

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