Technology & Innovation

The challenges of mobility

October 04, 2013


October 04, 2013

Denis McCauley


Denis McCauley contributes to EIU research published on a bespoke basis in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

He works closely with the research directors and editors in each of these regions to improve the insightfulness, relevance and timeliness of their analysis.

Mr McCauley previously directed the company's global technology practice, with responsibility for managing research projects dealing with the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on businesses and societies.

He is often interviewed by the media, including the BBC, CNBC and Financial Times, for his views on technology industry developments.

The Economist Intelligence Unit is writing a series of six articles highlighting different challenges - and opportunities - businesses are presented with as their employees increasingly utilise mobile technologies at work.

The issues covered in each article are:

  • Regulation of mobile activity in the financial industry
  • Managing the "always on" environment
  • The Internet of Things and Big Data
  • How retailers are adapting to consumer use of mobile technology
  • The rise of work hubs and the changing role of the office
  • What the "app culture" means for IT and the business

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