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The Lisbon Summit - Highlights Video

Speaker and event highlights from the 2014 Lisbon Summit

Frank Chen's interview at The Bellwether Series 2013: China

Frank Chen's interview at The Bellwether Series 2013: China

Nigel Crisp's address on the future of Portuguese healthcare system

Nigel Crisp's address on the future of Portuguese healthcare system

Innovation Ecosystems

The global labour market is undergoing massive structural changes that will have potentially far-reaching implications for the workforces of the future.

The search for growth

What's next for emerging markets?

Prospects for global energy security and supply

In this session of The UK Energy Summit 2010, the speakers debate on what are the geo-political and risk implications firms need to be aware of with emerging economies staking their future economic prosperity on access to oil and gas.

Energy Security

A group of 60 stakeholders - senior corporate executives, academia, government, NGOs, pressure groups and energy associations gathered on October 19th at the Queen's Building, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, for an interactive and lively debate on UK's energy security.

Energy security has been a major concern of governments, business and consumers in its different guises for a long time. As a net energy importer with a highly liberalised economy, the UK has less control over its energy supply than many other developed nations.

Some of the topics looked at included:

Keynote speech at The Emerging Markets Summit

As part of The Emerging Markets Summit 2010, this video shows the opening keynote address of Hon Dr Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.

The new risks

In this session of The Emerging Markets Summit 2010, an expert panel of global employers and independent commentators revealed Generation Y’s priorities and expectations.

The new dynamics

In this session of The Emerging Markets Summit 2010, three experts discuss about the most exciting developments taking place within the global economy, highlighting those trends which are likely to have the greatest impact on business.

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