Talking US trade: The view from Hong Kong - Traditional Chinese

本文基於報告進行的調查撰寫。報告由美國運通(American Express)委託經濟學人智庫(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)撰寫,此調查獲得香港50位高管的回應。本文從外國公司的 角度審查了與世界上最大的經濟體交易的主要層面。

Talking US trade: The view from Hong Kong

Talking US trade: The view from Hong Kong

This article is based on the responses from 50 Hong Kong executives to a survey conducted for the report, , written by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and commissioned by American Express. It examines key aspects of trading with the world’s largest economy from the perspective of foreign companies.

Asia’s opportunity to take the trade initiative

With US President Donald Trump quickly making good on campaign promises to end or renegotiate the country’s participation in major trade deals, and Brexit calling European integration into question, free trade has fallen out of fashion across much of the developed world. President Trump’s pledges to slap punitive tariffs on exports from countries like China and Mexico have also raised the spectre of a broader trade war. Yet some experts see reason for optimism - and an opportunity for Asia to fill the void left by the historical advocates of trade liberalisation.

Bridging the Gulf: LatAm-GCC trade and investment

The relationship between the countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) and Latin America has thus far been characterised by modest trade and investment flows. But a deeper investigation reveals that the two regions rely on each other for essential products, such as food and agricultural produce from Latin America and hydrocarbons and fertiliser from the GCC.

Terms of Trade: Understanding trade dynamics in the US

The findings are based on an executive survey of 531 companies that trade with the US, conducted by The EIU in March and April 2016, as well as desk research and interviews with experts.

Key findings:

- Companies are optimistic about future trade activity with the US. Two-thirds of respondents in our survey anticipate that their company’s trade with the US will increase over the next five years, with over 43% expecting an increase of 10% or more.

Africa trade: Diversification needed

Content is sponsored by Standard Chartered

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Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Trade, Indonesia

Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Trade, Indonesia

FTAs: fantastic, fine or futile?

Download the full report .

Global manufacturing outlook

Report Summary

Global Manufacturing Outlook is a KPMG International report that investigates how industrial manufacturers are adapting their business models and supply chain tactics to address the ever-changing global economic context. This report was produced in co-operation with The Economist Intelligence Unit, which also executed the online survey and conducted the interviews on behalf of KPMG.

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