Mobile technology: changing the retail journey

An interview with Manish Hiapara of Office Depot

  • How a top retail company is using mobile in practice
  • Ways to create a mobile strategy for you retail business.

The omnichannel challenge in retail

Many retailers are making a transition to omnichannel shopping. Yet, progress has been slow. Our survey shows that many retailers have yet to execute basic steps, and shoppers are reacting to the slow pace. Internal organisational factors are mainly to blame for the lack of progress towards omnichannel. Why Amazon will dominate global retail’s domination of book sales has disrupted and destabilised that industry. As “The Everything Store” moves into new sectors - delivering groceries, commissioning TV drama, computer games - can it repeat the trick?

Brands and who you are

We imagine that we freely decide what we want to buy, what music we like, what political values we hold and what personality to have. But there are immensely powerful outside forces influencing our decisions all the time.

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