Asia: a compliance and regulatory challenge

The most obvious thing corporate treasurers discover in Asia is just how different the normal range of treasury processes is in comparison to other parts of the world. They find that treasury has to devote significantly more time to compliance and regulatory issues than elsewhere and that the complexity of the regulatory environment seriously impacts the implementation of core treasury objectives such as centralisation.

How the regulatory wave in banking will hit treasurers

Bank regulation has come a long way. The perceived lesson of the financial crisis, namely that banks’ insufficient capital buffers were one catalyst, has spawned a wave of rules, ratcheting up the amount of equity banks must hold against their loans. While these new rules have undoubtedly shored up global financial stability, recent developments have also demonstrated that they raise a host of challenges for corporate treasurers.

Managing risk in challenging economic times

Key findings include:

Financial Inclusion: What's Next for Regulators?

Tilman Ehrbeck discusses innovative ways to expand financial inclusion.

Dear financial services regulator…

Dear financial services regulator…

Could regulation overshoot its target?

In the run-up to the Insurance Summit on February 27th in London, industry experts scheduled to speak at the event share their views on the important challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Bart De Smet, Chief Executive Officer of Ageas, explains his views on regulation.

Crunch time for the ECB: Should it go for growth or push for safety?

Something is very wrong in Europe; unemployment floats near all time highs in the history of the single currency and the euro zone’s economic growth remains meagre at best.

All tied up? Insurers say regulation is making it more difficult to meet consumers' needs

The insurance industry has not suffered the same reputation-damaging scandals as the banking industry, however, for some consumers, as insurers are financial institutions they have been tarred with the same brush – and need to prove their worth.

Finding a level playing field

Report Summary

Technological innovation is reshaping markets and creating new opportunities for businesses at a faster rate than at any other time in living memory.  But to realise the promise of greater economic growth, incumbent businesses, challengers and the policymakers who regulate them need to find a balance that encourages fairness without either stifling entrepreneurialism or compromising the public interest. 

Finding this balance has proven difficult for businesses and industry regulators alike.

Insurance 2015

The unintended consequences of policy and regulation

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