Infographic | Labour migration in Asia

Labour migration in Asia: What does the future hold?

Asia’s economic and demographic diversity catalyses dynamic and varied migration patterns, creating mutual benefits for sending and receiving countries. Countries with ageing populations can tap into labour surpluses elsewhere, while migrants and their families back home can lead more economically secure lives through transfers of remittances and skills. With 86 million, Asia hosts around one third of the global international migrant population.

Spotlight on labour migration in Asia | A factor analysis study

Migration has always been a powerful engine of prosperity for individuals and the countries between which they move, filling key gaps in labour markets in destination countries and channelling vital financial resources to origin countries through remittance flows. Migration dynamics are subject to continual shifts, driven by relative economic performance of countries, technological change and demographic transition.

视频 | 治理与传承:家族办公室及亚洲华裔群体



该报告的分析基于文献综述以及对相关研究领域从业人员和专业学者进行的直接采访。19 世纪初期,清朝政府面临内忧外患,中国经济拖入下行轨道,最终丧失了世界最大经济体的地位。大规模移民浪潮由此产生,并且塑造了此后历史的发展。
报告由 Georgia McCafferty 撰写,由 Jason Wincuinas 编辑。我们要感谢所有受访者抽出宝贵时间为此项研究提供见解(按姓氏字母顺序列出):

What expatriates bring

Immigration has become one of the most widely discussed topics of today’s political and media discourse, trumping the debate on economic and foreign policy.

What expatriates bring

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