

  • 年轻的高净值人士越来越全球化,他们因为教育、职业或生活方式等原因在国外居住,但他们在不同国家或地区所居住的时间,以及他们是否在不同的司法管辖区拥有居住权和投资,都给财富传承计划增加了复杂性。
  • 年轻一代往往希望将家族企业引向新的方向,创建新的部门或建立慈善机构。
  • 家族企业不一定要交由家族成员经营才能存续,但制定继任计划却是必需的。
  • 随着每一代人的成长,特别是在结婚和离异改变着家庭结构的情况下,大家族如何(或者是否)参与家族企业的经营变得越来越复杂。
  • 高净值人士通常希望实现资产多元化;年轻一代则倾向于在财富传承规划中寻求增值,而不仅仅是财富保值。


Passing the torch: Bridging mindset gaps between high-net-worth generations in Hong Kong, mainland China and Singapore

The population of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) in Asia is growing, in terms of numbers and wealth held; it is also evolving as generations today have different needs and interests. To gauge how legacy planning may also be evolving, The Economist Intelligence Unit studied two groups in particular across Hong Kong, mainland China and Singapore—“global citizens” and “business successors”. Research highlighted the following key findings:

Personalising health choices

Motivated by impact: A new generation seek to make their mark

Motivated by impact: A new generation seek to make their mark is an  EIU report, supported by HSBC Private Bank, exploring the driving forces behind the decisions of the next generation of business leaders and investors, with a particular focus on millennials. 

The findings are based on desk research and interviews with affluent investors and entrepreneurs conducted by The EIU and presented in series of articles, case studies and infographics. 

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