We are all responsible for reducing depression

Depression is the main cause of disability worldwide. We should continue talking about the importance of getting help, argues Linda Rosenberg, president and chief executive officer of the US National Council for Behavioral Health.

Changing work structures in healthcare settings

How can traditionally cash-strapped and risk-averse healthcare institutions adapt their work structures and ultimately improve patient outcomes?

Self-sufficiency of African healthcare systems

African countries are increasingly tapping into their own funding to tackle some of the most intractable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. However, donor funding will remain an important resource in bridging funding gaps and strengthening healthcare systems, says Professor Sheila D. Tlou, director of the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa.

The potential of mobile healthcare in Africa

The mobile phone is rapidly transforming Africa's economic and social fabric. Mobile phones can revolutionise the delivery of healthcare in Africa, says Onno Schellekens, managing director of the PharmAccess Group.

Building Africa's healthcare leadership capacity

The main reason for Africa's weak healthcare systems is neither a shortage of policies, nor road maps, nor even funding. Lack of leadership capacity, reflected in corruption and flawed policy implementation, must be addressed, argues Dr Margaret Mungherera, immediate past president of the World Medical Association.

Rethinking Africa's healthcare paradigm

Although the African health establishment has tried to do the right thing by focusing on curative care, prevention has become an afterthought. Africa's healthcare paradigm must be changed, argues Dr Ernest Darkoh, co-founder of BroadReach Healthcare, an African-based health analytics and technical services firm.

Mental health and integration

Mental illness exacts a substantial human and economic toll on Europe. World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates for 2012 show that in the 30 countries covered by this study, 12% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)—a measure of the overall disease burden—were the direct result of mental illness. These conditions almost certainly also contributed to the large number of DALYs attributed to other chronic diseases. On the economic front, the best estimates are that mental illness cuts GDP in Europe annually by 3-4%.

Fighting tuberculosis

Going back to basics will move us forward, explains Dr Neil Schluger, Chief Scientific Officer at World Lung Foundation.

Improving links between environment and human health

The Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with British medical journal The Lancet and with the active participation of The Economist Intelligence Unit, is convening a high-level meeting to discuss how we can improve links between environment and human health.

Asian healthcare: routes to innovation

Healthcare challenges in Asia can be viewed as drivers for innovation rather than simply obstacles to overcome, explains Elly O’Brien, information specialist at Bazian, a healthcare information business.

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