Health and development in middle-income countries: Implementing a more integrated approach to tackling neglected tropical diseases

Health was confirmed as one of the big challenges facing the global economy during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos earlier this year. Healthcare will be at the heart of what the WEF calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Addressing the global stroke burden - Infographic

Addressing the global stroke burden

Addressing the global stroke burden

The socioeconomic burden of stroke looks set to become increasingly heavy on high-income as well as on low- and middle-income countries in the decades ahead. The prevalence of stroke is likely to continue to rise, leading to further costs, including direct costs (such as healthcare) and indirect costs (such as lost productivity due to absenteeism from the workplace or presenteeism).

Well-being is about more than a healthy body…it involves a holistic approach

We are in the midst of shift in the global conversation about how we approach health—expanding the focus beyond treatment and surviving to a broader discussion about thriving and well-being. Investing in women’s gender equality is at the center of this.

Understanding China's emerging private healthcare market


Confronting obesity in France

On the one hand, obesity policy in France has largely emphasised preventive care and behaviour-oriented initiatives, but on the other hand, the insurance system’s policy of fully reimbursing bariatric surgery has given France one of the largest uptake rates for such surgery in Europe.

Breast cancer in Asia-Infographic

Value-based healthcare in Europe: Laying the foundation

Value-based healthcare looks at health outcomes of treatment relative to cost. In this particular report The EIU examines the way in which value is interpreted across the continent, the extent to which European countries are adopting cost-effectiveness as a key criterion for assessing it, and the efforts to develop new models for pricing innovation.

Further reading:

Value-based healthcare in Europe: Laying the foundation

Value-based healthcare looks at health outcomes of treatment relative to cost. In this particular report The EIU examines the way in which value is interpreted across the continent, the extent to which European countries are adopting cost-effectiveness as a key criterion for assessing it, and the efforts to develop new models for pricing innovation.

Further reading:

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