On the politics of climate change

In this session of The UK Energy Summit 2011, Anthony Giddens argued that the scale of the climate-change problem, and the difficulty of reconciling it with our economic growth aspirations, demand a new political approach.

Sam Laidlaw: Perspective of an industry leader

As part of The UK Energy Summit 2011, Sam Laidlaw, Chief Executive of Centrica, gave his opinions on the best way forward for UK energy

Phillip Lowe: On Europe's energy future

As part of The UK Energy Summit 2011, Philip Lowe, Director General, Energy DG of the European Commission, provided his insights on Europe's energy future, picturing policy and markets to 2050.

The future of energy

In this panel of The UK Energy Summit 2011, Paul Lazarevic, Managing Director at RLTec, and Simon Bransfield-Garth, Chief Executive Officer at Eight19, discussed companies strategies to open up new possibilities to deal with energy challenges.

On who should pay (and who shouldn't)

As part of The UK Energy Summit 2011, this panel discussed where and how to find investments, needed to ensure a balanced energy mix that will provide secure, sustainable energy.

The potential of renewables

As part of The UK Energy Summit 2011, in this panel renewable energy advocates defend themselves against some sober views on their potential.

On beating uncertainty

As part of The UK Energy Summit 2011, Caroline Bain, Senior Commodities Editor and Economist at Economist Intelligence Unit, discussed how to rethink decision-making in a uncertain business environment

CB Richard Ellis’s portfolio focus

Buildings account for around 40% of the world’s energy use. So for a real estate management company with a large, global portfolio of buildings, the focus of attention when it comes to energy reduction is outside its own operations.

To promote energy efficiency, CB Richard Ellis works closely with clients. “Our greatest opportunity is to influence people for whom we manage space or the corporations for whom we work,” says David Pogue, the company’s national director of sustainability for institutional and corporate services.

GE looks for treasure

When evaluating the rationale for identifying energy savings in industrial operations, Gretchen Hancock, General Electric’s project manager for corporate environmental programmes, suggests listening to the sounds a factory makes when it is not operational. “You hear compressed air leaking and you hear pumps running,” she says. If no revenue is being generated, those noises could also be described as the sound of money being wasted.

Utility no more?

Under the impulse of change in renewable generation, European utilities are searching for new business models, explains Stephen Woodhouse, director at Pöyry, an international consulting and engineering company.

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